Posts Tagged ‘weigh-in’
9×26 – Last Chance Weigh In Elimination Toot Toot
Previously on The Biggest Loser the remaining contestantchampions got their makeovers at last. Then they had another “pigs in mud” challenge right afterward. Bit mean.
Tonight they seem to be in a studio with a desk and doing interviews and ohhhh, no, this is just The Project running way over time. I was confused.
TONIGHT! The game is afoot! Last chance training follow by another weigh in and elimination. Will the ridiculous “Awesome Foursome” dominate or be decimated?
9×23 – Returning Contestants, FIGHT!
Previously on The Biggest Loser Rodger, Caitlin, Mary and Cal won weigh in passes for this week’s chance at getting back into the house. Then Mary flaked out during the challenge that would have won her and Cal an advantage at the weigh in.
Tonight! Weigh in drama, everyone’s in danger of going home, who will survive, ooh!
But first, Kev, Toni, Sharon and Jane are having a chat about the impending weigh in. Jane tells us she’d be very upset if a red team member knocks out one of the remaining contestants. Sharon just says it’s game on, the returnees had better show they mean business.
Kev points out the trainers say to control the controllables and they control the votes. But we see nothing more of that conversation, just Sharon saying it’s time to train.
9×20 – BEST. WEIGH IN. EVER. Seriously. Mindblowing.
Previously on The Biggest Loser the competition went to single contestants at last. Then at a triathlon-like event Katrina won “golden immunity”, which is immunity she can use at any time between now and the final elimination.
Tonight someone’s going to gain weight at the weigh in. This late in the game. And it’s going to be a lot of weight, by the sounds of it. So someone’s been pigging out, perhaps?
But first, duckies on the pond! Hi duckies!
9×17 – Stuck too much in your mouth, huh?
Previously on The Biggest Loser the black team had to carry a 5kg golden nugget around until weigh in. Then the weekly challenge was a pun-tacular event with contestants having to chuck tires in the back of a trailer. And that made them very tired. Sigh.
Tonight it’s last chance training, where Cal will chuck a wobbly, then the weigh in where Steve will chuck a wobbly at someone, then it’ll be elimination times!
Shannan’s got his blue team in the gym for a chat before training. They’re all a bit tired and sore from the challenge and gutted they didn’t win. Shannon says they couldn’t do it because she couldn’t do it. Her, personally, not the team. She couldn’t move the log, she says, and Cal’s nodding along beside her. Dick!
Shannan reckons Shannon could move the log and it’s just a mind over matter thing. So what are they going to do to win the weigh in? Work really hard, Shannan. Of course!
Shannan’s got them something for a pick-me-up. It’s a video from Cam, telling them to keep going, etc. Cal’s not interested and walks out as the video starts, leaving Katrina, Shannon and Kev to watch the video on the ipad. Kevin doesn’t even know Cam but he’s still listening politely, yet Cal can’t be stuffed?
9×14 – Caitlin Eats Glue
Previously on The Biggest Loser Katrina won letters from home for everyone and also a week away at The Golden Door resort for the blue team.
Tonight the trip to the resort goes pretty well… for a while. Then Natalie spits the dummy. At Camp Caitlin’s been porking out on something or other and Steve is disgusted. Then at the weigh in Shannon’s considering going home?
Steve turns up to the house to check in on his people now that blue’s on holiday from fat camp. Before training he gets Caitlin to weigh in on her personal scales she won at the weird auction thing.
Steve’s hoping Caitlin gets a good result today because if black fall below the line then he’ll finally have to lose a team member!