Posts Tagged ‘weigh-in’

TBL 7×38 – First Singles Weigh In, First Singles Elimination. First GRAHAM SMASH!

Previously on The Biggest Loser… Singles time. They were (mostly) already singles but now they’re technically not in teams anymore either.

Temptation saw a bunch of drama with Simon and Margie coming to verbal blows with Margie eventually earning herself Immunity.

Tonight! The weekly challenge concludes with the end of the sort-of-marathon. Margie and Lydia are competing for the 1kg advantage at weigh in after both Simon and Graham collapsed earlier during the event.
Also, Simon and Graham are still down and out after the challenge. Simon looks a bit shellshocked by the whole ordeal.

Then at the weigh in the simmering tension between Steve and Graham finally comes to a head.


I mean, now fight! Looks like Steve’s sick of Graham saying he’s proud on the scales when he ain’t done jack and Graham’s tired of being told he ain’t done jack. Should be painfully awkward viewing.
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TBL 7×33 – Old Dogs vs Young Pups gets settled, finally!

Previously on The Biggest Loser SO MANY THINGS. Old Dogs versus Young Pups is on this week. Lydia knows THE SECRET of The Bunker.

Young Pups lost at the weekly challenge which is leading to an instant weigh in for one of them tonight. Later there’ll be the usual weigh-in and possibly an Elimination.

Busy busy busy this episode!

As the episode picks up again we’re getting some more of Margie talking about being strategic and Michelle thinking maybe Margie threw the challenge. But who really knows?

Time for the Old Dogs to decide who on the Young Pups will have to weigh in immediately. After much discussion they’ve decided Selena will weigh in early.
That… doesn’t seem very strategic. Selena tends to be the lame duck at weigh in time anyway.
She’s nervous, her diet’s been better this week, but she was hoping for a bit more time and some Last Chance Training. But oh well, she’s done her best, she says.
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TBL 7×28 – Weigh-In and Elimination night. Drama and drama in potentia!

Previously on The Biggest Loser BEK WAS SEXY.

Wait, that was Friday. Anyway, Red and Black have a super duper double secret deal that totally isn’t an alliance. Simon took Temptation to snatch Immunity away from Hamish but will Red actually protect him at Weigh-In?

Probably not. Not after the weekly challenge saw everyone at each other’s throats but particularly Red and Black.
Graham won the right to choose a team to go without a trainer until Weigh-In.

Tonight! We find out he’s chosen Hamish. Come on, we all know that’s where it’s going.
Also the White Team return from the wilderness covered in mud and looking more than a bit feral. But Hamish doesn’t care, he’s going to hug smelly Michelle and think she’s beautiful because that’s what you do when you’re in love. Awww!

Also, Weigh-In, drama over the not-an-alliance, presumably two teams below the Yellow Line, etc etc.

Simon says Red will train fine without Mish being there while Hamish will struggle so it’s up to you.

Graham then says to Hayley that Red train really well without their trainer, ever since they’ve been there. So he’s choosing Hamish.

You ass.
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TBL 7×23 – Who is being expelled from Camp Biggest Loser?

Previously on The Biggest Loser there was an elimination and a contest and a challenge and a Temptation and…

Let’s be honest, the only reason you’re watching Monday’s show or reading this recap is because you saw the start of the wild party and are wondering who’s getting kicked out of Camp.

There might also be a weigh-in tonight, perhaps some training but due to the expulsion it’s probable that there won’t be another elimination.
Of course if the expelled contestant is one that otherwise had Immunity, that will be doubly hilarious!

I mean awful. Just awful. Bad behaviour. Tsk.

White Team has a 3kg disadvantage going into the weigh-in, if it happens. But it looks like we’ll be going straight into the line-crossing shenanigans at the party “last night”.
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TBL 7×18 – Sand dune of doom leads to an extra large elimination.

Previously on The Biggest Loser Hamish and Michelle sitting in a cabin, k-i-s-s-i-n-g. What does that spell? Uncomfortably discussing their feelings!

The yearly sand dune of doom challenge kicked off. It’s still Boys vs Girls and everyone on each team must make at least one trip.

When we left on Thursday night Ryan was making his one trip up the hill. He was barely halfway up and didn’t look like making it much further…

Tonight… He’s still going! As is Selena, though she’s ahead and manages to get to the top and flip her number over.

Ryan’s still crawling up the hill. He’s sinking into the sand all the time but he keeps telling himself to never quit and Steve and Shannan are walking beside him and urging him on. The rest of the team sees him as the weak link and he can’t let that continue.
Finally, Ryan reaches the top and struggles to his feet to flip the counter over.
Then he pretty much flails his way down the hill, arms flapping out to either side as he walks down the hill. Then he falls over. Shannan gets him back on his feet pretty quickly and tells him to fight the urge to fall over, push down the hill, fight to stay up.
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