Posts Tagged ‘The Biggest Loser’
TBL 10×36 – Towers of DOOM! Who’ll Be Sent Home?
Previously on The Biggest Loser we sent Cliff straight back home after he won his way back into the competition. Poor Cliff!
The weekly Game is a multi-round affair and the prize up for grabs is a big one – whoever wins can instantly eliminate any other player remaining in the game. Meep!
The final round started last night with Johnee, Tenealle and Tony battling to build a 2.5 metre tower of “cards” with wooden blocks. Tenealle nearly managed it but her tower overbalanced a tiny bit and lost a couple of levels, giving Tony a chance to catch up after some early messy attempts.
Johnee starts the show by saying they’re a 2-1 chance to win the game. They’re really not, that’s not how it works. But anyway, back to the building!
Just heard the rule that there has to be four walls for each level, no wonder they’re not trying any riskier builds.
TBL 10×35 – All Hailwood Elimination. How Screwed Is Cliff?
Previously on The Biggest Loser the Super Challenge resulted in Tony, Cliff and Sam returning to the competition after Ali failed a calorie counting challenge she should have aced. Oh dear, we are all so sad!
At the weigh in another disappointing result from Cliff and Sam has sent them below the yellow line. Together. A Hailwood is definitely going straight back home, but will it be Sam or Cliff? Sam wants to save Cliff but Cliff’s the bigger threat and the Jofres will definitely vote for him, right?
Well, we’ll see. Stranger things have happened. And Sam does seem more likely to actually lose the weight than Cliff!
First, Sam and Cliff are having a chat about facing elimination. Cliff is “devo”, he tells Sam. Sam wants Cliff to stay because he’s got more weight to lose, but she’s disappointed to go home after fighting so hard to get back in. Cliff tells us he’d go in Sam’s place if he could, she means everything to him. Awww!
TBL 10×34 – Super Duper Challenge And Duper Super Weigh In!
Previously on The Biggest Loser the Super Duper Iron Man Or Woman Or Whatever Second Chance Challenge Thingy kicked off. Three places back in the competition are up for grabs and, as usual, a Jofre is in the lead.
When we left them on Tuesday night Tony’s crossed the finish line first and is trying to pick which plate of food has the lowest number of calories. Or is at least in the bottom three, so he can get back into the house.
In a surprise twist, Ali’s in second place after an incredibly strong performance in the kayaking leg. Could she be a surprise return to the house? Maybe she can redeem herself this time?
TBL 10×33 – Super Iron Man Challenge Time Is Go!
Previously on The Biggest Loser Tony was sent “home” at elimination but then immediately came back with all the other eliminated contestants for the second chance draw!
Fiona is promising an epic Super Challenge to decide which 3 contestants will return to the competition. Should be super fun and Tony will probably win comfortably!
Also tonight a look back at everyone’s audition tapes. Expect tears!
But first it’s time to get back into training for the eliminated contestants. Lots of people talking a big game.
Tiff and Shannan have the contestants out on the sandpit. In the rain. Jodie does not look at all happy! Shannan is trying to perk her up, but she’s remaining a sourpuss. Everyone else is having a grand old time.
This could be their last training session at Camp Biggest Loser. Who wants to get back in, Tiff asks. Everyone but Jodie puts her hand up. She wanted to be there yesterday, but overnight she’s changed her mind. Oh dear.
Mel’s still there with a grin on her face. Much rather see her back!
TBL 10×32 – Tony v Rob Elimination. Tense.
Previously on The Biggest Loser two of the Jofres put on weight at the weekly weigh in. Two! Tony and Rob. Now they face elimination together. With two Jofres voting and two Auvales neither can be too sure they’re safe. Will the Jofre boys save their brother or uncle? Will the Auvales want to send the brother or uncle home?
And then, from deep down the river, drumming. They are coming…
The eliminated contestants, not filthy orcses. They’re back for their second chance. You’d have to pick either Tony or Rob as favourite to win their way back into the house, right? Some of the contestants have worked hard on the outside though. Maybe a Moses or Sam could fight back?
We’ll see. First, elimination room time. Going to be rough going on the Jofres. None of the other teams have really had to do this before, vote out one of their own.