Posts Tagged ‘The Biggest Loser’

TBL 11×19 – This is supposed to be Makeover Week but the ads LIED!

Previously on The Biggest Loser Transformed we saw all the eliminated contestants return for the traditional second chance. With two spots up for grabs it was Josh and Sophia who managed to win their way back in.

Today, feisty weigh-in! Immunity challenge fallout, then three favourites will battle it out in the elimination arena. Will Blue finally lose another person or will Orange continue their losing streak?

Last chance training! Libby’s excited to be training Sophia and Josh again for the first time. Lisa-Faye (not a real name) says it’s good to see Sophia come back with a fire in her belly.

Sophia says she’s got so much more weight to lose but there’s not enough time to do it at home so she’s got to do it there. She’s been fat, in her eyes, for over 10 years, so she’s got to work hard.

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TBL 11×18 – Returning contestants, a swim in the harbour and SURPRISE GUESTS!

Previously on The Biggest Loser Transformed the eliminated contestants returned to compete for a chance to get back into the competition.

We saw Josh make his return in the first round and then watched most of the second round but didn’t see the result. Because they fell back into old habits of dragging shit out unnecessarily!

Today! Will it be Luke, Jake, Sophia or Anna who survives the second round? They’d been holding weights up for a really long time so there’s probably not much longer they can hold it…

Also today, a new challenge kicks off, involving some kind of rope and fall into the harbour thing. Find out later!

First, everyone’s holding their weight still. They’re at the 40 minute mark, which is quite impressive. If you’ve ever tried to hold anything out at arm’s length for any length of time, it starts to burn!

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TBL 11×17 – The eliminees are returning! The eliminees are returning! Sound the horns!

Previously on The Biggest Loser Transformed the cooking challenge went Blue’s way again! Poor, useless Orange! Well, poor useless Simon and Lisa-Faye (not a real name), as Nikki seems quite competent in the kitchen.

Today, another weigh-in. But this time it’s the eliminated contestants weighing in. Five of the eight will get to fight it out in the arena for a second chance in the competition.

First, training! Blue Team are feeling pretty relaxed after their afternoon of pampering after winning the cooking challenge. Was good to have a massage, Brett even fell asleep!

Libby says they’re all looking good today, ready for training. But they’re not training today, they’re going straight to the weigh-in room. Shock weigh-in! Shannan tells his team it’s going to change the face of the game. How exciting!

Fiona’s in the weigh-in room, in an orange-red top again. Traitor!

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TBL 11×16 – Letters from home, cakes and smoothies from Teresa Cutter!

Previously on The Biggest Loser Transformed Luke was sent home at the elimination, as he probably should have been, since he gained weight at the weigh-in, the most cardinal of sins on a weightloss show!

Today, contestants get messages from home. Then training, then a cooking session!

There’s a knock on the door in the morning and Nikki answers it to find a stack of presents with each of their names on them.

Nikki says she loves sharing these moments with Amy, she’s her closest friend in the house. Awwww!

Nikki’s in tears straight away, a photo of her daughter Lilly at her daycare thing. She’d been questioning her decision to go away but she feels more motivated now.

Amy’s got some achievements in her box, things she should be proud of. Like coaching a soccer team for four years after playing for sixteen years! She’s barely old enough to have played for sixteen years, nice work!

Simmo’s got a huge stack of photos from his family, along with a usb key to plug into the telly and watch. It’s his sister and he misses her a lot. Aww!

Simmo also has one fingernail painted. I assume one of the girls attacked him!

Lynton’s got a bunch of photos and a PLANE! A little model biplane. Cool. His photos aren’t so well taken, but he likes that they’re the things his Mum knows he’d like to see.

Lisa-Faye (not a real name) is in tears as well. Her little boy’s favourite teddy is on the top of the box. She knows parents go away all the time, but this is the longest she’s had to be away. Simon’s got his son’s little teddybear and towel thing. He’s not sure how his son can sleep without his teddy.

Matt opens his box and can smell his family, hah! Brett’s got one of his son’s dummies, and “Rabby”, toy rabbit that never normally leaves home, so it’s a big sacrifice from his little girl.

Matt’s in tears when he opens his box too. Pictures of… his boyfriend? And dogs. He doesn’t actually say, so I’m assuming a lot there. He says he’s basically unrecognisable, Brett says. Matt’s got a steely determination to him now.

And Matt’s family has also put some pillow spray in the box, which Brett says they definitely need!

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TBL 11×15 – Can Orange snatch defeat from the jaws of victory? Let’s find out!

Previously on The Biggest Loser Transformed the Orange Team managed to win a 1kg advantage for the next weigh in, which is coming… later this episode!

Today! Last chance training, a weigh in and three people face elimination in the arena.

Today’s training for the Orange Team is a Triple Threat session. 20 seconds on, 20 seconds off each station. Not sure how that’s a triple threat, something about them not losing three people in a row, maybe?

Between the time Libby saw Luke last and now, he’s picked up an injury problem. His knee’s got a bit of calcification on a tendon under the kneebone. He’s cut back on his food to compensate, he hopes, but maybe that’s not the best idea. We’ll see. Libby wants Luke to keep moving today as the movement helps you heal faster, according to all the sports science people.

Nikki’s pushing everyone in training as well, she seems to be digging the workouts.

Lisa-Faye (not a real name) isn’t doing so well, having lost Jake and Josh in the last few days. Josh in particular has got her down a bit. But seeing Luke pushing through the pain inspires her, keeping her focused and determined.

“Heart’s bigger with orange!” That’s the new call, apparently. So lame. Blue for life!

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