Posts Tagged ‘season 4’
TBL Australia 4×25: Brothers versus The Others. No, you’re not reading a recap of Lost.
Previously on The Biggest Loser Holly and Mel experienced “pain” at the hands of the “mighty” Emazon.
And the Challenge once again demonstrated Nathan’s dominance of the game as the boys won yet again!
Tonight the “others” team has no access to their trainer or any equipment for the Last Chance Training while Nathan and Andrew can continue to train with Michelle in the gym if they like. Will the difference tell on the scales or can the Others beat the brothers?
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TBL Australia 4×24: What do you call 13 fat people in a pool?
Previously on The Biggest Loser… oh my god did Harold die?! Finally?! Hooray!
Sorry, I keep catching the end of Neighbours so all I ever see is the cliffhangery bits at the end of each episode…
On The Biggest Loser Emazon arrived with much fanfare but her reception by the public seems… mediocre at best.
Meaghan and Julie got a massage. A nice one, not a sports one!
And Sharif and Teresa started to show a bit of a nasty streak. Will it come back to haunt them?
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TBL Australia 4×23: Real badasses don’t need a dank, dimly lit tunnel to look badass…
Previously on The Biggest Loser, Amanda and Stewart got sent home and now Nathan and Andrew are facing off against all the rest of the contestants.
Tonight, Holly and Mel give us another lesson on how to win friends and influence people!
Or, alternately, Teresa and Sharif begin showing how much a pair of ducks they are. You decide.
Also, Emazon arrives tonight. Woooo.
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TBL Australia 4×22: Tempting Temptations for the easily Tempted…
Previously on The Biggest Loser Amanda and Stewart got sent home and Nathan and Andrew got targeted by the rest of the contestants and now must fight to stay in the competition!
Tonight? Andrew’s future is in jeopardy as he has some kind of knee injury.
Temptation tonight sees contestants flying solo in a fancy one seater open air restaurant…
And Bob makes his “shocking” announcement. Spare me.
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Biggest Loser Spoiler: Bob’s “shocking” announcement…
Ordinarily I don’t much bother posting spoilers, even on the odd occasion I find out ahead of time when things are going to happen. Most of the time you’re only going to find out soon enough anyway.
But Mr Voiceover Man’s description of Bob’s announcement tomorrow night including the word “shocking”? Well, that’s pretty shocking!
So I’m going to tell you what his big, shocking announcement is… right after this break!
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