Posts Tagged ‘season 3’
Biggest Loser Australia 3×74: THE GRAND FINALE!
Tonight on The Biggest Loser… It’s the Grand Finale!
Sam, Kirsten and Alison battle it out for the grand prize, while all the eliminated contestants scuffle over the crumbs.
The voting in the poll here on the Recap says Sam will win, followed by Alison and with Kirsten bringing up the rear. Are you guys as smart as you all think you are? Huh? Are you?
Read on to find out!
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Biggest Loser Australia – Who Will Win?
Well, the final three has been decided. Sam, Kirsten and Alison will face off at the finale.
But who will win? Vote now!
Who will be The Biggest Loser?
- Alison (32%)
- Kirsten (18%)
- Sam (50%)
Total Votes: 184

Want my take on it?
Sam: The youngest of the three, Sam is also the only male of the remaining contestants. While neither factor guarantees a win, the two combined ought to provide a significant advantage to Sam. Excellent support from his family and friends will also contribute to Sam’s chances.
Working against Sam will be the temptation of returning to his “uni lifestyle”, which is what he credits with getting him in such a state to begin with.
Sam also has a question mark over his nutrition. Some contestants have said that Sam is not eating enough, plus Alison and Kirsten have been helping him with his meal preparation, assistance he will no longer receive at home.
My Prediction: First by a narrow margin. Sam won’t want to be the guy that lets a woman win. Coupled with his youth and being the only male left, he will be going home with the title.
Kirsten: In between Sam and Alison in age, Kirsten has earned her reputation as “The Enforcer.” Both Australian and American trainers have been impressed with Kirsten’s work ethic during training. Coupled with weightloss in line with the men in the competition, Kirsten has been considered a major threat for many weeks. With little at home to distract her, Kirsten will have little in the way of getting in the training she needs.
But she’s still female, and females always find it tougher to lose the weight than males. Enforcer or not, Kirsten has a very hard road ahead of her.
My prediction: Second, just behind Sam but ahead of Alison by a comfortable margin. Kirsten’s guts and determination will ensure it is a very close race, but ultimately it is unlikely to be enough.
Alison: The eldest of the group, Alison is the real dark horse in this race. In recent weeks her determination has grown as she has come to realise she might actually be a chance at winning. That determination will stand her in good stead at home. Also, having been looking after Sam’s nutrition, she clearly has her head screwed on right in that regard.
Unfortunately as the eldest in the group she will find it a little tougher, particularly tougher than ex-sportswoman Kirsten. A mother of three, she will also find there’s a lot of distractions in the real world as she returns to her regular life. She could choose to neglect her family obligations in favour of winning, but she is extremely unlikely to do so.
My prediction: Third, a couple of percent behind Kirsten. But be prepared for a surprise as stranger things have happened!
Who do I want to win? Alison. I still like Sam and would love to see him win, but a victory by Alison would be a great come-from-behind story, on top of being the first female Australian Biggest Loser. As a mother of three, she could also use the money more than either Sam or Kirsten.
Who do you think will win, and why? And who do you want to win?
Biggest Loser Australia 3×73: The very last weigh in and the very last elimination!
Tonight on The Biggest Loser it’s time for the final weigh in and the final elimination before leaving The White House.
Can the Blue Team finish off the last remaining Red Team member or can Garry save himself from humiliation.
It’d sure make a nice change!
(And don’t forget to check out my Big Brother blog, if you’re into that kind of thing. It starts tomorrow night!)
Biggest Loser Australia 3×72: Cash Out Decision plus final Last Chance Training
Tonight on The Biggest Loser Bryce, Garry, Kirsten and Sam must make their decision. Will one of them choose to leave the game with over $30,000 or will they all stand strong?
If you’ve already read the spoiler you know the answer to that question but shh, don’t spoil it for the rest of us!
Would you like to know if anyone succumbs? Read on…
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Spoiler alert! Who will cash out tomorrow night?
Well, Channel 10 have done it again! This time in spoilery poll form!
Want to know who’ll cash out tomorrow night? See after the break for the answer and a spoileriffic link!