Posts Tagged ‘elimination’

9×29 – The Not-So-Awesome Foursome

Previously on The Biggest Loser Caitlin was eliminated after coming in last on day 1 of the Super Challenge. Kerry won immunity by coming first on day 2 and now…

… now it’s a race between Kerry and Craig to see who’ll be eliminated following day two. Craig’s been sent running the wrong way and so Kevin’s got a chance to catch up. Is he too far behind?

Also tonight it’s time for another weigh in and elimination. The Awesome Foursome may have to vote out one of their own. How great would that be?

Anyway, Craig’s still trotting the wrong way and Sharon finally realises she’s sent Craig the wrong way. She’s saying oops, her bad, etc. But it was on purpose and she’s trying to claim she didn’t think anyone would pay attention to it.

Craig looks to have a pretty good sized lead on Kevin so he’ll still be safe and Kevin will be going home. Awwww. Kevin got to the end of the jetty just as Craig gets up on the boat. Sorry Kevin, eliminated yet again.

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9×28 – Super Challenge Part Two – Jumping Off Things Boogaloo

Previously on The Biggest Loser the final challenge of the competition kicked off. And it’s Super, thanks for asking!

Tonight the Super Challenge continues with the person coming in last being instantly eliminated. At this stage Caitlin’s in last place having wussed out of crossing the rope bridge across the harbour. Sharon’s in first place, surprisingly, and should be safe if she can keep going…

The episode picks up with Caitlin jumping off the bridge. Katrina’s next out on the rope and she’s doing fairly well, getting right across.

Next up is Kevin. But Kevin’s a big guy, both tall and still very heavy, for all his losing 100kg.

And yet he makes it right across! Well done Kevin. Craig also makes it across on his second attempt, leaving just Caitlin on the far side of the rope bridge.

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9×26 – Last Chance Weigh In Elimination Toot Toot

Previously on The Biggest Loser the remaining contestantchampions got their makeovers at last. Then they had another “pigs in mud” challenge right afterward. Bit mean.

Tonight they seem to be in a studio with a desk and doing interviews and ohhhh, no, this is just The Project running way over time. I was confused.

TONIGHT! The game is afoot! Last chance training follow by another weigh in and elimination. Will the ridiculous “Awesome Foursome” dominate or be decimated?

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9×23 – Returning Contestants, FIGHT!

Previously on The Biggest Loser Rodger, Caitlin, Mary and Cal won weigh in passes for this week’s chance at getting back into the house. Then Mary flaked out during the challenge that would have won her and Cal an advantage at the weigh in.

Tonight! Weigh in drama, everyone’s in danger of going home, who will survive, ooh!

But first, Kev, Toni, Sharon and Jane are having a chat about the impending weigh in. Jane tells us she’d be very upset if a red team member knocks out one of the remaining contestants. Sharon just says it’s game on, the returnees had better show they mean business.

Kev points out the trainers say to control the controllables and they control the votes. But we see nothing more of that conversation, just Sharon saying it’s time to train.

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9×20 – BEST. WEIGH IN. EVER. Seriously. Mindblowing.

Previously on The Biggest Loser the competition went to single contestants at last. Then at a triathlon-like event Katrina won “golden immunity”, which is immunity she can use at any time between now and the final elimination.

Tonight someone’s going to gain weight at the weigh in. This late in the game. And it’s going to be a lot of weight, by the sounds of it. So someone’s been pigging out, perhaps?

But first, duckies on the pond! Hi duckies!

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