Posts Tagged ‘elimination’
TBL 5×26: Sisterly Eliminationly
Previously on The Biggest Loser Phil made history with the biggest single week loss on record!
And Caitlin and Daina fell below the Yellow Line.
Tonight it’s sister versus sister! Heart versus mind! Strategy versus being a bunch of tools.
Daina and Caitlin are quite sad about the results. Daina says to everyone that it was unexpected.
Joe says to us that it wasn’t really all that unexpected, they’ve not been getting their diet right and not putting in the work and that’s what happens!
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TBL 5×20: The first single elimination thingy for the year
Previously on The Biggest Loser Michelle told Caitlin she was eating up her training. Phil made a goose of himself on the scales and Caitlin and Daina overcame the odds to win at the weigh-in.
Tonight will they vote with their hearts or their heads?
I’m guessing they’ll vote with their heads, having already eaten their hearts.
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TBL 5×14: The Firm Elimination
Previously on The Biggest Loser Phil and David, Elise and Teneale fell below the Yellow Line and will face elimination…
… tonight!
But will the alliance hold to its rules. Can the boys trust the girls?
NEVER TRUST GIRLS. They’s sneaky and evil and smell of strange flowery things.
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TBL 5×08: The One With The Second-Chance Elimination Thing
Previously, on The Biggest Loser, Geoff left due to health reasons and now someone will be partnered up with Wayne…
… after the Elimination tonight!
Facing elimination are Chris and Shannon and Jenni and Phoebe.
Smart money is on Chris and Shannon but you never do know how the fat people’s minds will work.
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TBL 5×02: First Elimination, Challenge and another weigh-in?
Previously, on The Biggest Loser… Nine new couples set out on their journey. Well, ten, but we don’t like to talk about the tenth couple…
Tonight is Elimination Night. And also the first Challenge for the year. And a “face their deepest fears” challenge. AND a weigh-in.
Well, I guess we know how they’re going to deal with the missing couple. They’re just going to hurry right past the bits they were in.
Eh, simplest solutions are often the best.
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