Posts Tagged ‘elimination’
TBL 6×29: Two Eliminations, One Weigh-in.
Previously on The Biggest Loser the great big obstacle course challenge got started.
Blue and Red were both doing well when we left them on Friday. Black were, as usual, bringing up the rear.
Tonight! Black are still in last place, Blue finish the obstacle course again and Red are still in the final stages.
Red have a one minute time advantage over the other teams as a result of Damien’s win at The Contest, so they stand a good chance at winning.
After the obstacle course is done one family member from the last place team will be sent home.
And then we’ll have a weigh-in and another elimination as a result. Packed night ahead!
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TBL 6×25: Moooooooooooooons Be Doooooooooooooooomed!
Previously on The Biggest Loser the Loser Legends were assisting in the weekly Challenge.
The Challenors had already won on Friday, thanks mainly to the efforts of Legend Sam. The Westrens had squeaked into second place and the Moons and Duncans were battling it out hoping not to come in last!
Tonight we find out if my very early guess of The Moons being the losers is correct.
Then the Legends are on their way out the door, but not before some parting gifts. Candy?
Later the weigh-in gets very dramatic with at least two of the Moons walking out of the room in a huff. Fun times ahead, kids!
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TBL 6×21: PIGS IN MUD! Also weigh-in, elimination, blahblahblah. MUD!!!
Previously on The Biggest Loser Lara won The Contest, hooray!
Tonight, pigs in mud continues! Which team will win?
Then Nathaniel has a sook about his crappy crappy uncles and we have to listen to it. Boohoo.
And then? And then it’s time to weigh in and eliminate someone once again. Busy episode is busy!
But first, replay some footage from Friday, Mr Editor Man.
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TBL 6×17: Water Loading Challenge wraps up. Challenor v 3 Families wraps up. DUNDUNDUN!
Previously on The Biggest Loser the weekly challenge caused the expected drama. The 3 Families are at each other’s throats and both Joe and Nathaniel from The Challenors are sick of Damien.
Tonight we find out who wins the Challenge, who wins the weigh-in and who wins the next ticket home!
But first a bunch of recap footage from Friday!
3 Families are still bitching about too many bottles in the sled, Damien’s still giving Nathaniel the shits. Nathaniel says he’s had 5 weeks of being patient with his uncles. If they’re not going to listen to him then stuff em!
Nathaniel tells Damien to go away again or Nathaniel’s walking off. Damien still hangs around and so Nathaniel walks off.
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TBL 6×09: Weigh-In, Elimination, Challenge Result. Not in that order.
Previously on The Biggest Loser… oh, right, up the stairs down the stairs up the stairs down the stairs for the Challenge!
Also, Red won at The Contest meaning Tiffiny’s team have no gym equipment for the rest of the week and they’re also only eating from a chinese takeaway shop. Mmmm, chinese food!
Tonight we find out who wins the Challenge! When we left on Friday it looked to be a two horse race between Blue and White, Westrens and Duncans, Tiffiny and Shannan’s teams. So many labels.
Also ahead tonight is another weigh-in and elimination. Joe’s going to talk about his daughter at the weigh-in. Why? Find out in about 30 minutes!
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