Meg Duncan
Age: 25
Goal weight: 70kg
Lives: Girilambone, NSW
Marital status: Married
Children: None
Occupation: Dump truck driver underground at mines
Self-confessed tomboy and the so-called quiet member of the Duncan family, Meg is more partial to a beer with the boys than to dolling herself up. Growing up with twin sister Emma wasn’t always easy, she says, and definitely impacted upon her self esteem: “It was skinny beautiful Emma and me the fat ugly girl in the corner.”
As a truck driver Meg has found her weight makes her working day incredibly uncomfortable, due to having to sit in a confined space for up to 12 hours straight, after which she find herself simply too tired to exercise.
Meg hopes that with the aid of Emma, Jarrod and Sarah-Jayne, she can gain her “freedom” and confidence, and the fitness levels necessary to trip the light fantastic again by rediscovering her love of line and ballroom dancing.