Nicole Rees (Season 3)

Nicole Rees - Profile PictureName: Nicole Rees
Age: 24 (7/12/1983)
Height: 170cm
From: Adelaide, SA
Profession: Nurse
Goals: To start helping herself, not just others

Starting Weight: 136.3kg
Week 1: 131.1kg (LOSS: 5.2kg)
Week 2: 130.2kg (LOSS: 0.9kg)
Week 3: 124.9kg (LOSS: 5.3kg)
Week 4: 121.7kg (LOSS: 3.2kg)
Week 5: 116.3kg (LOSS: 5.4kg)
Week 6: 114.6kg (LOSS: 1.7kg)

Links to videos:
Nicole’s promo ad with her twin sister on The Biggest Loser Recap
Nicole’s promo ad with her twin sister on The Official Biggest Loser website

Is the first set of Australian twins to appear on the show, the success of the twins on the American show was likely to have contributed to their selection for the show. Carrianne is her sister. Nicole is the heavier and taller of the two.

(from the official site)
Food: Pasta and bread
Dessert: Ice Cream and Chocolate
Drink: Diet Coke
Tv Show: Alias, Prison Break
Movie: Robin Hood
Colour: Dark Blue
Place to travel: Bali

My reason(s) for applying for Biggest Loser are:
Wanting to lose weight after attempting diets that have never worked; to be away from my temptations at home and to focus on my health.

I first realized I was overweight and needed help when:
When I was shopping for the exact pair of jeans and I could no longer fit into them and have to go a size up.

I hope to lose weight but gain:
Confidence and to find a happy place with myself.

The previous contestant I have found inspiring was (and why?)
Kristie; she had such a busy life before/after Biggest Loser and still managed to lose weight whilst not at the White House.

The best part of being on Biggest Loser is:
The people who will help me through my journey; to be away from my outside temptations and helping myself for once.

I am preparing myself for this journey by:
Realising nothing is easy and knowing that I have to work hard.

I think the most difficult part of being on Biggest Loser will be:
Being away from my family and friends and the support they give me.

My biggest weakness is:

Some bad habits I would like to get rid of are:
My stress and emotional eating.

The one thing I want Australia to know about me is that:
That I’m a strong person who won’t give in.

I think I will win the Biggest Loser because:
I am strong both mentally and physically and because I deserve to win- I want to change my life.

One thing I have never done because I was overweight and will do once I loose the weight will be to:
To walk into a clothing shop and pick anything off the rack and know it will fit. Also, to wear a bathing suit and feel comfortable in it.