Archive for the ‘The Biggest Loser’ Category

8×18 – Anita rips herself a new one

Previously on The Biggest Loser Amber chucked a tantrum because she still had to do exercise when she was at home.

Tonight a workout and then the weekly challenge. This week it’s a brains vs brawn challenge with the at-home contestants having to answer questions while the at-Fat-Camp contestants have to hold a weight off the ground. A weight that gradually increases as their at-home partner gets answers wrong.

Mish is urging her people on, telling them they’re carrying the bag for their teams this week. The others have gone home, get to sleep in their own bed, see their families, etc. The people still at Camp have to focus on losing the weight just in case the people sent home don’t lose any weight this week.

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8×17 – Amber is a whining whiny whiner!

Previously on The Biggest Loser Chris and Mark were sent home at the elimination after failing to lose enough weight and falling prey to an alliance within the house.

Tonight Anita and Cher will get their chance at a leap of faith. They didn’t get to do the original leap of faith and they chickened out of doing the abseiling. Looks like they might wuss out of jumping into the pool from a diving platform tonight. Also, Gerald has some sort of shocking revelation to share with Shannan. And The Fridge is promising BIG THINGS tonight. But can it deliver?

But as the episode picks up the contestants are chowing down on a huge lamb roast. Richard tells us he won’t miss Chris and Mark and now they’ve all started calling him King Richard because Mark said he sent the pawn in for the king at elimination. Richard doesn’t mind, thinks it’s all fun mind games.

Next day Commando Steve has Richard and Amber, Brett and Mandy for training out on the lawn. Steve reminds them that alliances don’t matter, just losing the weight to stay above the Yellow Line.

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8×16 – You are part of the Fatty Alliance and a traitor!

Previously on The Biggest Loser it was kids versus parents all week and the parents thrashed the kids every time so this was an experiment totally worth doing!

Tonight it’s Last Chance Training time. Lots of fun, lots of sweat, lots of tears. Then the weigh in and there’s drama there, too. Talk of maybe an alliance or just general discontent amongst the teams? Guess we’ll have to keep going to find out…

Commando Steve has the parents for Last Chance and… Chris isn’t there. Because he lost a toenail at the challenge. So he’s out of training for 24-48 hours Richard says. So who else trained? Only Robyn put her hand up and she only trained for 30 minutes. Mandy had panadeine the night before and was told to rest until the session with the trainer. Richard was stuffed after the challenge. Gerald was stuffed, had a soreness running down to his right foot. Anita, at least, confesses she has no excuse!

Most of the kids didn’t train either. Amber says she needed to catch up on sleep. Shannan’s disappointed!

Steve’s telling the parents that when they voice the excuses it becomes obvious how weak those excuses are.

Shannan wants the kids to show him they can be self motivated to train hard and fast. But clearly they can’t, you’ve got to be there Shannan!

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8×15 – Row row row your boat or you’ll be pigs in mud!

Previously on The Biggest Loser Janet and Kirsten were eliminated and Temptation returned, much to the consternation of… well, just Katie, really. But boy howdy was she consternated!

Tonight! If you play, you pay. And Michelle’s going to make them pay! Then it’ll be a parents versus kids rowing and boat pushing on sand race type thing. Expect dramas over who’s putting in the most effort, who’s putting in the least effort and who smells funny.

Michelle comes to training and the kids are already training, which she finds strange. So Mish quizzes them about the fridge, finds out about Temptation and says in the real world, temptations are everywhere. Mish’s sessions are already hard, Amber says, so she’s terrified what will happen when she reveals she took part.

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8×14 – Sweet, delicious Temptation

Previously on The Biggest Loser Janet and Kirsten were sent home at Elimination. Apparently they were popular?

Tonight, Temptation is back! Will any of the new crop be stupid enough to fall for it or have they all learned their lesson from previous seasons?

But first, everyone’s sad about Janet and Kirsten going home but also happy that Robyn and Katie are still there. Happysads all round! Amber says she’s sad that Janet and Kirsten were sent home but she’s sure they can do it on the outside.

Katie still looks upset and says she was on the verge of a panic attack the whole time. Oh balls, you were not.

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