Archive for the ‘The Biggest Loser’ Category

8×28 – King Dick and the Fat Princess Amber!

Previously on The Biggest Loser Robyn and Katie won a half kilo advantage at the next weigh in while King Dick’s scheming, conniving ways left Janet and Kirsten with a half kilo penalty.

Tonight is weigh in night once more. Will this be the week King Dick’s weightloss won’t be enough to drag Amber’s weak losses over the line?

But first, last chance training. Janet and Kirsten are first to face Mish, their trainer. They’re nervous about facing her because they have the half kilo disadvantage from losing. Especially since they got “screwed over” by light blue, Janet says. Cue replay of light blue screwing them over. And Janet tells Mish it really upset her. But Mish takes a deep breath and says she’s not going to let that beat them. Time for last chance training and Mish is planning to smash them today!

Mish is wearing another in her line of training gear. It has a window to her cleavage! I approve, obviously.

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8×27 – Tug. Tug. Tug. Tug. Tug.

Previously on The Biggest Loser we started seeing the results of the makeovers on the contestants but we didn’t get to finish. Pfft.

Tonight we get to see the rest of the makeovers… and then a five way tug of war with a “game changing advantage” on offer. And a potentially bad injury to Mandy?

First up tonight is Kirsten. We only saw her legs and the bottom hem of her skirt or dress. It was bright yellow! Tonight we find out it’s a skirt with a blue top and a shiny belt. She looks quite pretty and tells us she feels quite sexy.

Michelle says they both have dangerous curves, it must be hereditary.

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8×26 – How long until we invent practical holograms?

Previously on The Biggest Loser Sam and Jess got eliminated… again!

Tonight, makeover night, hooray! And for the first time the contestants will be “confronted” by holographic versions of their old selves. How cool, how futuristic, how… are people still using this, wasn’t it enough when they had stupid live news crosses to tiny holograms or when they dug up notorious douchebag Tupac in hologram form.

Aaaaanyway. Mish has a sad because her hard working red team Sam and Jess have gone home and she has just Janet and Kirsten left. With a smaller team Mish thinks they actually have an advantage now. Kirsten thinks the other teams aren’t really looking at who the threats are and so they’re going to make themselves a threat. They were second on the leaderboard this week and Kirsten thinks it’s time that potential is realised.

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8×25 – Six teams become five, not long now!

Previously on The Biggest Loser Richard and Amber won immunity at the challenge and Gerald and Todd got their very own early makeovers.

Tonight, last chance training, weigh in, elimination, excitements.

We pick up the training tonight with Shannan’s green and grey teams. Todd’s determined not to go under the yellow line this week so he’s trying to burn off as many calories as he can. Gerald’s confident he’s given it 100% for the whole week in the gym but he’s still a little worried.

What about the chatter at the challenge, Shannan asks? Richard said they’d have green’s back if they fall below the line and that Richard’s said he’ll be a man of his word. And he’s part of an alliance so they should have the power to save them. But Gerald knows that he and Todd are in the top slot and if Richard’s serious about winning the $200,000 then obviously he needs to get rid of green.

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8×24 – And I Would Walk 500 Miles…

Previously on The Biggest Loser the top six got to pick their trainers for the run to finale and Gerald and Todd won their very own makeover.

Tonight we see the results of the makeover because the bastards didn’t show us last night. The weekly challenge also kicks off and it’s another endurance event, this time on the treadmills.

But before all that let’s listen to Shannan talk about the makeover again!

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