Archive for the ‘The Biggest Loser’ Category
9×24 – MAKEOVER TIME! Does my hair look pretty?
Previously on The Biggest Loser Cal was sent home, again, only this time he really went home. Mary was also sent home.
Tonight it’s part one of the makeover show. Primping and trimming and dressing in pretty things. And Kevin’s going to propose to his girlfriend, oooh!
Various townsfolk from Ararat will be showing up for the fashion show but since the makeovers will be continuing on Friday you can bet there’s going to be an annoying break somewhere silly.
But first the trainers turn up the next morning to see the new remaining contestants. Caitlin’s survived and now they’re 9, which is very convenient Mish points out. Nine contestants, three trainers. Three contestants per trainer.
Ladies pick first, Steve defers to Mish. Michelle picks Rodger, as they’ve basically been training together since almost the start anyway. Then Caitlin, because Michelle thinks they’re just getting started, making some breakthroughs and so on. Her last pick is Toni. Mish sees a lot of potential in her but also wants to give her a chance to shine on her own, away from her husband Kerry. Toni’s got a great attitude, Mish says, and wouldn’t feel nervous about getting a new trainer.
9×23 – Returning Contestants, FIGHT!
Previously on The Biggest Loser Rodger, Caitlin, Mary and Cal won weigh in passes for this week’s chance at getting back into the house. Then Mary flaked out during the challenge that would have won her and Cal an advantage at the weigh in.
Tonight! Weigh in drama, everyone’s in danger of going home, who will survive, ooh!
But first, Kev, Toni, Sharon and Jane are having a chat about the impending weigh in. Jane tells us she’d be very upset if a red team member knocks out one of the remaining contestants. Sharon just says it’s game on, the returnees had better show they mean business.
Kev points out the trainers say to control the controllables and they control the votes. But we see nothing more of that conversation, just Sharon saying it’s time to train.
9×22 – Every breath you take, every step you make, I’ll be watching you
Previously on The Biggest Loser Australia the eliminated contestants all returned after being under the tutelage of Michelle Bridges back in Ararat.
Tonight the contestants will be taking part in “the most hardcore challenge” ever. They’re doing a training course the elite NSW police force units use to hone their skills.
But first some training in the sandpit for Commando Steve and his selected victims. Lots of talk tonight about how the eliminated contestants don’t deserve another chance in the house. But Steve tells us that every day’s a renewable contract for them, put in the hard work or you don’t get to stay, simple as that. If they want to get rid of the returning contestants all they have to do is push them below the yellow line.
Katrina says she thinks everyone’s position is in jeopardy and so if she has to work out all day every day that’s what she’ll do.
Previously on The Biggest Loser Cal was eliminated after stacking weight on in the past week.
Tonight… they’re baaaaaaaaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack. All the eliminated contestants return to fight for a position back in the competition.
Also Michelle’s back! Finally!
Before they can do anything though they’ve got to weigh back in to see where they’re at now. Then it’s a dogfight among the contestants as there’s only two spots up for grabs.
AND THEN someone’s journey is cut short by some devastating news… of some kind.
9×20 – BEST. WEIGH IN. EVER. Seriously. Mindblowing.
Previously on The Biggest Loser the competition went to single contestants at last. Then at a triathlon-like event Katrina won “golden immunity”, which is immunity she can use at any time between now and the final elimination.
Tonight someone’s going to gain weight at the weigh in. This late in the game. And it’s going to be a lot of weight, by the sounds of it. So someone’s been pigging out, perhaps?
But first, duckies on the pond! Hi duckies!