Archive for the ‘The Biggest Loser’ Category

TBL 10×06 – Your Bio Age Is Bad And You Should Feel Bad

Previously on The Biggest Loser we said goodbye to Terry, the first eliminated contestant of the year. He seems to be doing well on the outside, so it’s not all bad news.

But there’s a lot of bad news back at Camp as the rest of the Pestell family has turned snarky. Er. Snarkier.

Tonight we find out what the prize was from last night’s challenge and then it’s time for Dr Swan to reveal the contestant Bio Ages. Later on… PIGS! IN! MUD! Guaranteed to be a mess and cause a fuss.

Tenealle opens the case and inside is a cheque for $20,000. But they don’t get to keep it, it has to be given to one of the other families. But if the family accepts it they have to leave the house immediately. They’re already throwing that in there? Put it on the Pestells, they’d probably run away and buy pies!

Next day, when Tenealle has to reveal the power to the rest of the house, everyone is speculating on what it could be. Johnee’s hoping she’s gone from the house with $100,000. But that’s not it, we already know.

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TBL 10×05 – Elimination Beckons For Pestells and Auvales

Previously on The Biggest Loser the old weightloss record was smashed at the first competitive weigh in for the year. Johnee lost over 17kg in a week, which is pretty awesome but also kind of ridiculous.

Tonight the Pestells and Auvales have to send one person each into the elimination room to face the Hailwoods and Jofres. Who’ll they send, who’ll get sent home, who’ll get very angry about it even though it’s part of “the game” every year?

Later, a new challenge. There seems to be some foodstuffs and questions involved.

But first, into the elimination room for the very first time this year!

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TBL 10×04 – First Competitive Weigh In!

Previously on The Biggest Loser we met our new set of families, welcomed Tiffiny Hall back to the show and the trainers put on a bunch of weight by eating everything their families were eating before coming on the show.

Tonight, the very first competitive weigh in for the series. But first we find out who wins the plane pull and gains a 5kg penalty to dump on another family, something which will surely not cause any drama amongst the teams.

They’re teasing an elimination tonight but it’s not happening until tomorrow. All we’ll find out tonight is which two families will be choosing who to throw under the bus.

As the plane pull stuff starts up again the Pestells are stuck metres from the line. After a bunch more effort and pulling and arguing they get the plane moving again and manage to just pip the Auvales, who finish their pull not long after.

Terry of the Pestells realises they’ll have to pull the plane again yet, he’s a bit less excited but glad the team got it done.

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Former Contestant Alison Braun Is A Total Hottie

Season 3 contestant Alison Braun has popped up again with the new season of the show with a smoking hot selfie posted to instagram, comparing her on the show with her current self.

Alison Braun - no makeup, no hair stylist

Alison Braun – no makeup, no hair stylist

Not bad for a 42 year old, huh?

You can read some more of her thoughts on her Instagram post.

And don’t forget to tune in for the first competitive weigh-in tonight, followed by a slightly less competitive recap!

TBL 10×03 – Trainers Weigh In, Training Commences!

Previously on The Biggest Loser… so many foods, so many eatings, so many horrors.

We also met our new host who set the very first challenge of the season. First to the new house will get immunity for the first elimination, a huge prize.

Tonight the challenge continues and once they arrive at Camp the trainers will finally weigh in after their week of indulgences. How much weight will they have put on and who will have put on the most?

Then they’re going to do another plane pull, cool! Love those ridiculous challenges. It’s amazing what humans can do!

But as the episode picks up we see the Hailwoods getting on their ferry, though it’s still unclear whether they’ve chosen wisely.
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