Archive for the ‘Recap’ Category

TBL 6×19: Trainer on a raft, trainer on a raft, hey-oooo trainer on a raft!


Sure, she has Immunity and she got to go see her family. But ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTEEN BUTTONS!

Tonight, Jarrod’s gained weight after elimination. Will it sink his team’s chances at the Family Weigh-In?
Also, Emma reveals she used to think of herself as better than Meg?

And The Contest? Or The Challenge? Involves boats in a pool and a trivia contest. Awesome.

After all the recap stuff gets out of the way, including Jarrod’s 2.9kg gain, we get back into the meat of the show.
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TBL 6×18: Elimination Fallout. Again. Also, Temptation!

Previously on The Biggest Loser… I can’t remember. There’s been two and a bit days since it aired. HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME?

Just kidding. I remember. Jarrod got eliminated on Sunday night, much as everyone expected when the 3 Families lost at the weigh-in.

Tonight everyone’s going to be fuming at Red. Again. This time because Nathaniel’s wishes on the vote weren’t taken into consideration by Joe. Possibly. I’m sure Joe will say he did consider them and thought them extremely interesting but his manliness couldn’t contend with someone younger, fitter, stronger and more courageous than himself.
Well, maybe he won’t say the last bit. But he’ll be thinking it!

Also, Temptation! Has anyone learned their damn lesson, yet? Or will someone still be unable to resist the urge… yes, I’m looking at you, Sarah.
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TBL 6×17: Water Loading Challenge wraps up. Challenor v 3 Families wraps up. DUNDUNDUN!

Previously on The Biggest Loser the weekly challenge caused the expected drama. The 3 Families are at each other’s throats and both Joe and Nathaniel from The Challenors are sick of Damien.

Tonight we find out who wins the Challenge, who wins the weigh-in and who wins the next ticket home!

But first a bunch of recap footage from Friday!
3 Families are still bitching about too many bottles in the sled, Damien’s still giving Nathaniel the shits. Nathaniel says he’s had 5 weeks of being patient with his uncles. If they’re not going to listen to him then stuff em!
Nathaniel tells Damien to go away again or Nathaniel’s walking off. Damien still hangs around and so Nathaniel walks off.
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TBL 6×16: The Contest’s Friday Finish, Finally.

Previously on The Biggest Loser the Super Duper Epic Contest Of Returning Contestant To The Game Contest Of Awesomeness started.

Tonight we find out who wins the bloody thing, finally.
Also, the weekly Challenge gets going. Bet you we don’t find out who wins that tonight!

Kellie and Joe are still cycling like psychopaths. Tiffiny’s screaming at Kellie to bring back her ninja, still. Nathaniel’s still telling Joe that he’s got to bring back Damien. Steve’s telling Kellie the others are screaming for her. Michelle’s screaming everything she can think of at Joe to try and motivate him.
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TBL 6×15: The Super Duper Contest Special Episode Of Epicness

Previously on The Biggest Loser Joe had a bit of a cry because nobody likes him and they keep trying to make him eat worms.

At least it was something like that. The only time Joe’s happy is when he’s messing with someone else’s life so…

We also saw some more footage from the trainers week long stay with their families. Included gratuitous underwear shots of Tiffiny and many dumpling-induced dry heaves from Shannan.

Tonight! The Super Contest begins. Or so the teasers have been saying.
And the prize for winning is priceless – the chance to bring someone back into the game!

But first there’s another one of those oh-so-useful Family Weigh-Ins. But with the teams currently being Red versus MishMash, how’s this going to work?
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