Archive for the ‘Recap’ Category

TBL 6×29: Two Eliminations, One Weigh-in.

Previously on The Biggest Loser the great big obstacle course challenge got started.
Blue and Red were both doing well when we left them on Friday. Black were, as usual, bringing up the rear.

Tonight! Black are still in last place, Blue finish the obstacle course again and Red are still in the final stages.
Red have a one minute time advantage over the other teams as a result of Damien’s win at The Contest, so they stand a good chance at winning.

After the obstacle course is done one family member from the last place team will be sent home.
And then we’ll have a weigh-in and another elimination as a result. Packed night ahead!
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TBL 6×28: Sawing Logs and Logging Sores

Previously on The Biggest Loser there was a great big saw-off at The Contest.

Tonight we find out if Lara or Damien will emerge victorious.
Also, Sarah’s going to have another dummy spit in training. Will it be random or at the hands of her sisters or trainer?
Later the week’s Challenge kicks off. An epic obstacle course with the winner getting to choose one member of the losing team to send home. Yikes!

As we pick up the proper part of the episode Lara is putting her piece of log on the scales to get Hayley’s verdict. Can her first effort be good enough?
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TBL 6×27: Family Weigh-In Reunion Log Cutting Thingydooby

Previously on The Biggest Loser Meg won Immunity from elimination, which is doubly important this week due to a surprise elimination being scheduled to take place as well as the regular elimination on Sunday night.

But we don’t know when or where the surprise elimination will take place. It could be in the first 5 minutes tonight. It might be 5 minutes before the Elimination on Sunday night.
Personally my money is on it being right after the regular Elimination so they can send the two victims off somewhere together… or at least plant that idea in the brains of the contestants!

In any event tonight is another Contest night. Logs will be sawed, it seems. The Champions for the families will need their log to weigh a certain amount, else they’ll have to saw another bit of log off to try and hit the mark again.
But first the Family Weigh-In gets started for reals. We left it last night just as the eliminated contestants were strolling into the weigh-in room for a visit.

But before THAT we need a bunch of recap footage, naturally. Argh!
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TBL 6×26: Fridge-y Temptation Ahoy!

Previously on The Biggest Loser… Emma got eliminated, awwww!
There was a bit of drama involved with Jodie accusing Lara of lying to her. Lara had allegedly promised to have the Black girls’ back, then voted for Jodie at the elimination.

Tonight! Poor Meg’s going to be left on her own.
Then Temptation sees Immunity on offer yet again. Sounds like ice cream sundaes will be the Temptation. Glad I’ve already had some of my own!

Also Black Team will be forced back to basics. Steve’s obviously had enough of his pampered princess team and makes them dump all their luxury items out of their rooms.

Out in the lounge room Black’s not expecting to see Jodie again. Meg’s talking about how close her and her sister have been on this JOURNEY!
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TBL 6×25: Moooooooooooooons Be Doooooooooooooooomed!

Previously on The Biggest Loser the Loser Legends were assisting in the weekly Challenge.
The Challenors had already won on Friday, thanks mainly to the efforts of Legend Sam. The Westrens had squeaked into second place and the Moons and Duncans were battling it out hoping not to come in last!

Tonight we find out if my very early guess of The Moons being the losers is correct.
Then the Legends are on their way out the door, but not before some parting gifts. Candy?

Later the weigh-in gets very dramatic with at least two of the Moons walking out of the room in a huff. Fun times ahead, kids!
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