9×29 – The Not-So-Awesome Foursome

Previously on The Biggest Loser Caitlin was eliminated after coming in last on day 1 of the Super Challenge. Kerry won immunity by coming first on day 2 and now…

… now it’s a race between Kerry and Craig to see who’ll be eliminated following day two. Craig’s been sent running the wrong way and so Kevin’s got a chance to catch up. Is he too far behind?

Also tonight it’s time for another weigh in and elimination. The Awesome Foursome may have to vote out one of their own. How great would that be?

Anyway, Craig’s still trotting the wrong way and Sharon finally realises she’s sent Craig the wrong way. She’s saying oops, her bad, etc. But it was on purpose and she’s trying to claim she didn’t think anyone would pay attention to it.

Craig looks to have a pretty good sized lead on Kevin so he’ll still be safe and Kevin will be going home. Awwww. Kevin got to the end of the jetty just as Craig gets up on the boat. Sorry Kevin, eliminated yet again.

Kevin’s disappointed he didn’t get through to the end but is determined he’s not done yet. He says we’ll see a much lighter version of him when we see him next. And indeed we do! 4 weeks later he’s looking thinner again. Working out with his PT he’s got a lot of loose skin under his arms, poor bugger. But he’s working hard, twice a day and eating a lot healthier. As is his fiance!

He’d set himself the goal of having lost 100kg by his second finale and he’d done that within the house so he’s succeeded. He says he’s never going back to the way he used to be.

Meanwhile back at the house Commando Steve’s got his team together at one of the indoor gyms for a change. Kerry’s got immunity, Sharon’s got protection from the rest of the Foursome and so Craig’s sort of on the outer. He’s got to work hard if he wants to stay safe. Steve says his focus is up and down a bit.

Steve says they’re moving in to the final few weeks at Camp Biggest Loser so they’re going to have to work harder than ever before.

Shannan’s got his group at his boxing themed gym. It’s down to just Jane and Katrina now, of course. Katrina’s got the golden immunity bracelet and the team is encouraging her to use it this week to ensure she’s safe at least.

Shannan says alliances always form at this stage of the game and the girls have shown their hand. They’re bringing out the best in each other and it’s good to have people who have your back.

But Shannan wants them to prove they’ve put in the effort to be above the yellow line on their own merits, not relying on the alliance to keep them safe. Shannan tells us if he had to step in the ring with either of his girls right now he’d be afraid because they’re looking determined. Come on Shannan, be serious. You’d smash them!

Jane’s crashing into a tackle mat Shannan’s holding, forcing him back a step each time, until eventually he crashes into one of the spin bikes and knocks the plastic cover off. Shannan’s fine, thinks it’s awesome in fact. Crazy man!

No time for Michelle’s team to train? Okay. Straight to the weigh in room. The Awesome Foursome are hoping Craig will be under the yellow line so they can vote him out. They figure that with Kerry having immunity and Katrina having immunity she can use then Craig has even less wiggle room to avoid elimination.

But that really doesn’t matter, he still only needs to lose more weight by percentage than the others. He’s still huge, he should do it fairly easily.

So will Katrina be using her golden immunity today? She still feels it’s a bit selfish to push someone else below the line, but she’s going to use it this time. They’d discussed strategy and with Kerry having immunity and Katrina having immunity that lowers the odds for someone else. Katrina’s laughing at that and Jane laughs out loud. Not nice, ladies.

Katrina and Kerry are both safe tonight unless they’ve put on weight, which voids immunity nowadays.

Since Katrina used an immunity she gets to weigh in first.

Katrina Previous: 107.9kg
Katrina Now: 106.2kg
Katrina Loss: 1.7kg
Katrina Percentage: 1.58%

Safe! She’s happy. She’ll be there for the final week in the house, which was her aim all along. Her friendship/alliance is as tight as it could be, she tells Hayley of the Awesome Foursome. She tells us the friendship she has with the other ladies is the best thing to come from her time there.

Since Kerry also has immunity he’s next.

Kerry Previous: 107.5kg
Kerry Now: 105.6kg
Kerry Loss: 1.9kg
Kerry Percentage: 1.77%

Safe! Kerry says if it’s four girls in the final, so long as Toni is one of them it’s fine. But he thinks it might be three girls and a fella with a girl’s name – sorry Craig! Bwahaha!

Two of the four remaining will be safe, two below the line. Jane’s next!

Jane Previous: 96.7kg
Jane Now: 95kg
Jane Loss: 1.7kg
Jane Percentage: 1.76%

Second place so far. But that doesn’t count for a lot since the other two have immunity. Jane’s not sure she’s done enough. She’s had a great experience and hopes to see it through to the end with the girls. Jane tells us she’s always put herself on the backburner, but she’s gotten to a point where she doesn’t even like herself. She’s sick of being on the sidelines so she’s doing this for herself. She’d been cruising through life before this.

Craig Previous: 140.6kg
Craig Now: 137kg
Craig Loss: 3.6kg
Craig Percentage: 2.56%

Ooooh, fair effort from Craig. First place for now but still in danger. He’s hopeful he can still get it done. Craig agrees with Hayley that the Awesome Foursome may have been the kick in the pants he needed. He’s been putting in a lot more effort behind the scenes, putting in half hours here and there whenever he can. Many of them go to bed early and don’t see him working till late. Craig’s hoping he can maybe knock one of the girls out of the little pack.

Next up… Sharon. To beat Jane she’ll need at least 1.6kg. That won’t keep her safe, she needs to beat Craig for that.

Sharon Previous: 86.2kg
Sharon Now: 84.6kg
Sharon Loss: 1.6kg
Sharon Percentage: 1.86%

She’s just managed to scrape above the yellow line for now but as she hasn’t toppled Craig, Craig is now safe! The Awesome Foursome aren’t exactly overjoyed by her result. Jane’s facing elimination. She’s in tears, Katrina’s in tears, Sharon says it’ll be hard either way.

Katrina says it’s her worst nightmare, being above the yellow line when she should have been below it. Everyone says she deserves to be there to the end.

Sharon feels like she deserves to see it through to the end. She’s worked hard, been away from her girls for 3 months. She’s always eaten right, always been to training even when she felt like shit the other day.

Toni’s last to weigh in. To beat Sharon and be safe she needs at least 1.8kg.

Toni Previous: 97.3kg
Toni Now: 95.1kg
Toni Loss: 2.2kg
Toni Percentage: 2.26%

So Toni is also safe meaning it’s an elimination between Sharon and Jane and thus a very easy choice. Send Jane home because she’s been pretty awful while Sharon’s been lovely!

Toni says it’s the worst case scenario. They didn’t really know each other at the start but through the stages of the show they got to know each other and now it’s that much harder to lose one so late in the proceedings. Toni says it would have been easier for her if she’d been under the line because then she wouldn’t have to make the choice. Mish pipes up and says she’s just as deserving as any of the other girls. Toni’s happy to have made it, she says.

Sharon and Jane have shared a room since the start apparently. Sharon hopes Jane puts up a good fight in the elimination.

Town kitty got a boost tonight of $12,700. Total is now at $117,320. That’s a whole lot of junk food, yum!

And the biggest loser of the week is Craig! Third time, second time in a row. Awesome work.

Hayley says it’s going to be an emotional time for them in elimination. Pretty sure Craig’s going to be happy as Larry, actually. Gets to send one of the people home who’ve been gunning for him mercilessly. Fuck ’em!

Sharon’s getting emotional on the outside of the weigh in room. Steve’s having a chat with her. Tells her all she can do is control her own actions, not what everyone else does. If she does go home she’s got a husband and two beautiful kids to see. She’s got her whole life ahead of her now.

Craig and Kerry sit for a chat about the situation. Craig says it’s better them than him, but he still feels for them. Sharon’s been training with Steve since the start, but also if they vote her out they can get more attention from Steve.

Kerry’s also got it hard because he was under the line last week and the girls spoke so highly of him, so he’s not looking forward to having to send either home.

Going to be a teary night, Kerry predicts.

Time for elimination. Sharon and Jane have their heads on the chopping block tonight. If it’s a tie then Jane will go home as the smallest loser of the week.

The dream of an all girl final is over, Hayley says.

Katrina says it’s hard to see the two girls up there because she should be there in their place, but for the golden bracelet. Jane and Sharon say there’s no hard feelings over it.

Toni’s struggling too. Hayley says it’d be the same if the roles were reversed, but that doesn’t make it any easier.

Craig says it’s hard to choose between them because they’ve all been there since day one, most of that time training with Commando, too.

Sharon says when she first saw Jane she thought she was a bit of a crazy one. But then they started talking and they bonded straight away she says. Jane says they clicked right from the start. She never thought she’d come in and make friends for life, but they’ve been chucked into an environment and held on to each other and helped each other to survive and thrive. Not only have they stood beside her they’ve stood behind her.

Toni says it’s easy to think of reasons to keep both, hard to come up with a reason to send either home. Katrina says the only name she can think of writing is her own name.

Jane’s final pitch is that she still has things to achieve. She’s not 100% proud of herself yet. Her journey might go on for quite a bit longer yet but she’s on the way.

Sharon says she doesn’t want to go home. And she doesn’t want to send Jane home. She wants to prove to herself and to her kids that she can go all the way.

Time to vote. Not sure Katrina and Toni have even made the decision yet!

Katrina’s first to vote. She doesn’t want to do it. Jane’s her training partner and that’s the only way she could look at it. She chose Sharon.

Craig says it’s hard to come up with a good reason. Both are determined to go hard and make it tough for him. In the end he went with who had the worse result today and that’s Jane.

One each.

Toni’s turn to vote. She didn’t want to write anyone’s down either. She can’t explain her decision either, she’s voted for… Jane!

Hayley’s breaking down and they’ve obviously re-recorded part of it. Awwwww!

No need to see Kerry’s vote, lucky sod.

Jane’s proud of what she’s achieved. She’s faced up to a lot of things she’s hidden from and she’s learned it’s better to face it. No more running away from her problems, just for the fun of it. Jane says she feels more sorry for Katrina who’ll now have to go one on one with Shannan. Katrina says that’s why she’s crying!

Hayley wishes Jane the best of luck and she looks forward to seeing her at the finale.

Sharon tells us she’s happy to be staying but also sad that Jane is leaving.

Hayley even comes out from behind the table to give Jane a hug before she gets out the door. Awwww!

Jane knows she has a long way to go, she says as she leaves the house for the very long journey back to Ararat…

4 weeks later Jane’s looking a lot healthier. She’s enjoying having more energy for playing with the kids. She’s a different person both physically and mentally. It’s been the best thing she’s ever done.

Tomorrow night on The Biggest Loser… TRAIN THE TRAINERS!

With a special twist, it seems. They’re adding some farm life to the mix. Milking animals, sifting through hay, chopping wood, tractor pulling. Mish is driving the tractor and is calling out for Commando to pull… probably not for the first time?