Archive for March, 2014
9×18 – Pyramid of Pain!
Previously on The Biggest Loser Shannon decided she’d had enough and went home. Then Caitlin was sent home at the elimination, the first black team member to be eliminated.
Tonight Michelle has a special guest trainer with her at Ararat. And back at Camp Biggest Loser we finally move to the singles part of the competition.
Then a “gladiatorial challenge”… oh come on, it’s just exercise not a battle to the death. Or is it, Kev’s not looking so good!
But first the black team is having a quiet sit and chat about who’ll be coming back from elimination. Kerry’s particularly quiet as his wife may be the one to be sent home.
Of course we already know she’s not!
9×17 – Stuck too much in your mouth, huh?
Previously on The Biggest Loser the black team had to carry a 5kg golden nugget around until weigh in. Then the weekly challenge was a pun-tacular event with contestants having to chuck tires in the back of a trailer. And that made them very tired. Sigh.
Tonight it’s last chance training, where Cal will chuck a wobbly, then the weigh in where Steve will chuck a wobbly at someone, then it’ll be elimination times!
Shannan’s got his blue team in the gym for a chat before training. They’re all a bit tired and sore from the challenge and gutted they didn’t win. Shannon says they couldn’t do it because she couldn’t do it. Her, personally, not the team. She couldn’t move the log, she says, and Cal’s nodding along beside her. Dick!
Shannan reckons Shannon could move the log and it’s just a mind over matter thing. So what are they going to do to win the weigh in? Work really hard, Shannan. Of course!
Shannan’s got them something for a pick-me-up. It’s a video from Cam, telling them to keep going, etc. Cal’s not interested and walks out as the video starts, leaving Katrina, Shannon and Kev to watch the video on the ipad. Kevin doesn’t even know Cam but he’s still listening politely, yet Cal can’t be stuffed?