Archive for April, 2013
Previously on The Biggest Loser Gerald and Todd claimed their Fridge and can weigh themselves whenever they want this week.
Also the contestants had the chance to abseil down the side of the AMP building though not all the contestants managed to take the plunge.
Tonight! They’re going to sit around reading their stupid letters from home. BORING.
And then they’ll go do a kickass obstacle course. Supposedly the toughest one in the world but I bet there’s some military ones out there that are a wee bit more challenging!
8×11 – We are ab-seiling. We are ab-seiling!
Previously on The Biggest Loser, CHAOS! Elimination Room explosions with Rosemary screaming at Michelle. The trainers were in the elimination room as the producers tried to make them vote out a team.
The trainers refused and by virtue of the lowest percentage the angry Rosemary and Big Kev got sent home. And nobody was sad about it!
Tonight last year’s winner Margie pays a visit to the show to surprise Michelle and put some of the contestants through their paces. She’s a personal trainer in the real world now, though she’s looking a little rotund herself at the moment. Perhaps it’s muscle though, she was quite the powerhouse last year!
Previously on The Biggest Loser all the contestants got soaked in the challenge but Janet and Kirsten won, earning themselves immunity!
Tonight! Explosions! Amber wants out of the show even though she only just survived elimination. Everyone’s telling her she’s not working hard enough and Mish says it’s because she’s not. Go Mish!
Also a bombshell at weigh in – the trainers will be the ones to send a team home, not the contestants. Michelle doesn’t want to, Steve seems content to do it.
As the show starts Shannan has a couple of groups in for Last Chance Training. Each pair has to do 600 reps of the various repetition stages and 8km on the treadmills and cross trainers. He’s looking to hit every part of their bodies. He was disappointed in Kevin’s efforts at the challenge. He only held the chain up for 15 seconds. Shannan says it wasn’t Kevin’s body that gave up, it was his mind. Kevin’s been using every excuse in the book to get out of training, Shannan tells us, but today he’s doing a lot better.
Rosemary says Kevin’s pushing himself now and it’s lovely to see.
8×09 – Glazed pork!
Previously on The Biggest Loser, Brett done broked his arm!
Tonight the pink ladies get a VIP guest. Everyone’s sort of expecting it to be their respective partners but we’ll see. Also the weekly challenge involves the contestants being chained to a wall with a bucket of water over their heads. Drop your arms, get drenched. Oh no!
Everyone’s still trying to guess who it could be. Might be a sporty person. Maybe a past contestant?
And the doors open and it’s… yup, it’s their partners. Janet’s husband is quite normal sized. Kirsten’s boyfriend Liam is quite normal sized.
Bet the yellow girls are wishing they kept the fridge for themselves now!
8×08 – Fatties don’t bounce.
Last night on The Biggest Loser Richard and Sam butted heads over Jess’ dreams of fat fame.
Tonight! Surprise basketball training session ends in disaster. DISASTER, Mr Voiceover Man declares. Also pictures from their past brings out some more tears. Don’t know if whoever had the disaster will get to see these pictures. They’re probably tearsing enough at the hospital anyway.
The game feels a lot more real, Amber says, now they’ve had an elimination. She sounds like a massive bogan while saying it, no wonder she got on the show.