Archive for March, 2011
TBL 6×25: Moooooooooooooons Be Doooooooooooooooomed!
Previously on The Biggest Loser the Loser Legends were assisting in the weekly Challenge.
The Challenors had already won on Friday, thanks mainly to the efforts of Legend Sam. The Westrens had squeaked into second place and the Moons and Duncans were battling it out hoping not to come in last!
Tonight we find out if my very early guess of The Moons being the losers is correct.
Then the Legends are on their way out the door, but not before some parting gifts. Candy?
Later the weigh-in gets very dramatic with at least two of the Moons walking out of the room in a huff. Fun times ahead, kids!
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TBL 6×24: (Not so) Little blue dune buggy.
??Previously on The Biggest Loser the family weigh-in saw Westrens take out the top spot yet again!
The Contest got going and the final round is Sam versus Adro in a benchpress competition to see whether Red or White gets some advantage or other at weigh-in.
Tonight! Find out who actually won the damn Contest.
Also this week’s Challenge will start, leaving us hanging until Sunday no doubt…
Hayley’s counting out the repetitions for the boys.
Adro’s looking a bit uncomfortable at the start but he settles in after a few reps.
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TBL 6×23: Loser Legends: Are They Still Masters Of Their Domain?
Previously on The Biggest Loser the Loser Legends rocked up to Camp. Unlike previous seasons they’ll be sticking around for an entire week of the Loser lifestyle.
For all the horror stories you hear about reality TV it sure seems like a lot of ex-contestants like coming back again!
Tonight it’s family weigh-in time… still. It started last night and we didn’t actually get to see anything interesting. So prepare yourself for a bunch of meaningless numbers to start the night.
And then prepare yourself for disappointment as The Contest starts later in the episode. Even the official Loser twitter says it “starts” tonight, an admission it won’t be finishing tonight!
The Contest Champions this week will be the Loser Legends for each team. So Sam’s probably got that one in the bag.
But first! Family weigh-in.
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TBL 6×22: Legendary Loser Legend Lodgers!
Previously on The Biggest Loser Craig was eliminated, a decision that is sure to upset absolutely nobody in the house and not create any drama whatsoever.
Was my sarcasm too heavy-handed? I can never tell.
Pigs in mud also happened. Pigs in mud is always good tv. They could make a show just out of fat people trying to do hard things in sloppy mud!
Tonight! “Loser Legends” return to the show to work out with the current contestants. Proving that at least 4 ex-contestants have kept their weight in check.
Adro, Sam, Bob and Lisa are the ones returning this time around. Lisa has a very short pixie haircut in a too-blonde colour again.
The Loser Legends will be training with the contestants to give them some extra motivation, apparently.
It’s Sharlene’s 50th birthday tomorrow and she’s feeling anxious, not knowing whether Craig will be coming back.
Ohhh, I got some bad news for you Shar!
The other contestants come in talking about how hard the decision was. And then Jodie wanders in.
Sharlene tells us she was happy at first to see Jodie still being in the game… then she realised that she wouldn’t get to see Craig. Awww.
Joe starts to apologise for having to send Craig home but Sharlene and Lara say they know it’s not a personal attack and they think Craig will do just fine on the outside. He’ll be happy to go home and see daughter-Emma.
The contestants are then all filing out onto the parade ground. Apparently a joke has been doing the rounds at Camp Biggest Loser that there’s a secret Green Team and they’re thinking that maybe today’s the day they’ll turn up.
Hayley says they’ve been gone for 6 weeks now. Now they’re at the halfway mark it’s time to raise the stakes and the best way to do that is to bring in fresh blood!
Everyone’s shocked and concerned and unhappy and so on.
Hayley says four people are on their way to Camp Biggest Loser right now. And she warns them they’ve been losing weight for quite some time. And here they come. IN A CHOPPER! Whoop!
No, two choppers!
It’s four people in grey hoodies. The contestants are all standing there giving death stares with their arms crossed as the Legends walk up. All of them look pretty fit, they think. So they’re concerned!
Then the Legends take their hoodies off their heads and those who’ve seen the show before squeal in recognition!
After the ad break Hayley introduces them properly as the Loser Legends.
Sarah bursts into tears on seeing them.
Hayley then says they’re all winners from past seasons. Adro from Series One, Sam from Series Three, Bob from Series Four and the first female winner Lisa from Series Five.
Nobody likes to talk about Chris from Series Two.
The grey hoodies are then undone and each Legend reveals a coloured shirt underneath.
Bob is in Blue, Sam’s in Red, Lisa’s in Black and Adro’s in White.
Lara and Sharlene are thrilled to have Bob. Lara says Bob’s a big inspiration for her.
Nathaniel says he thinks Sam has likely gone through a lot of what he’s going through so he’s hoping to get some advice from him.
Lisa follows her Moons into their bedroom, which was actually Lisa and Jarna’s bedroom when they were at Camp last season.
Lisa asks them if they miss their families when they come in and see the pictures.
Lisa tells them the time away is such a small sacrifice compared to what they gain in return. Lisa’s 14yr old said it was okay that she was gone for a while because now they’ll have her around for so much longer.
Sharlene wasn’t expecting to still be in Camp for her 50th birthday but she is and she’s very glad to be there.
Sharlene takes Bob to see the little black dress that is her dream outfit. Bob tells her that she’ll absolutely get into that dress eventually, so long as she keeps up the work.
Lara’s dream outfit is her Mum’s wedding dress. Bob says the dress represents more than a certain size, you’ve got to see yourself at the wedding and stuff.
Lara says she wasn’t living the life of a 25 year old before coming on the show. Leigh’s a DJ but Lara wouldn’t go dance because she wasn’t one of the thin girls in their beautiful dresses. Awww!
Bob then reveals a little known fact about him is that he’s been a marriage celebrant for many years so he’s stood and watched brides come down the aisle to get married. And he says he can totally see her walking down an aisle with that on.
Lara says maybe Bob could marry them!
Bob asks Lara if it’s worth the pain every day and Lara says it’s more than worth it.
Sam’s 23 “next month”, whenever this was filmed. So he’d be 23 by now. Still a baby!
Damien’s the heaviest contestant ever, Sam reminds us all, then asks how he felt carrying that around every day.
When Sam started he was the youngest contestant ever, at least until Nathaniel came along and knocked him off the perch.
Sam’s then talking about not really having a voice, having to push for it, when you get a bit more confidence… The Challenors have wry grins on their faces and Sam asks them if it’s sounding a bit familiar and they all tell him about how that’s been an issue for the first five weeks.
But now it’s time to get stuck into training.
Meg’s thrilled to have Adro there. He’s the original winner and he’s kept the weight off for five years now. Her and Emma are hoping to pick his brain on what he’s done to keep the weight off forever.
Adro says that they should be doing as few things they used to as possible, while at Camp and after leaving. He says Einstein’s theory of insanity is doing the same thing the same way and expecting a different result.
Adro’s not really there to inspire them, he says, more to just be a source of information for them. They should already be at a point where they can inspire themselves or at least each other.
Adro says to treat him as if he’s a member of the team returned to them.
Then it’s time to send the Legends off to hide somewhere so they can play a trick on the trainers.
They announce that Craig’s gone home after Elimination. Steve tells us he thinks it’s great that Jodie stood up for Elimination as Sarah really needs to be there.
Sharlene says the intention was always for Craig to go home first. He’s struggled with his nutrition in the house.
Shannan tells us Craig’s done really well at Camp, losing nearly 25kg, but now Sharlene has an opportunity to stand alone without the pressure Craig unwittingly puts on her.
Lara says something else that’s major has happened too. Paradeground, halfway through, time to step it up. What better way than to bring in some fresh blood?
Steve and Tiff both grin a bit. Shannan and Michelle look a bit upset. Michelle tells us that it’s usually the Commando who trains the “secret operative team” (her airquotes, not mine!) but if he’s sitting there with them… what’s going on?!
After an ad break Steve says he’s usually the one grabbing people and taking them for secret training but now he’s on the receiving end – bring it on!
Mish says the Grey Team came in looking all imposing but then it was like… heyyyy, I recognise you!
Then Shannan sees Lisa’s usual huge grin and he bursts into laughter and jumps up to greet her.
Tiffiny’s introducing herself around to the Legends. Most of them are already familiar with Steve, of course, who is thrilled to see the Legends back too.
Tiff throws big hugs on everyone and says they’re legends!
But they’re not just there to visit, they’re joining the teams!
Everyone grins at that but particularly Shannan who realises Bob is still Blue for Life!
Steve then realises he has five girls now. “Just hand me the gun now.” He says it with a grin on his face so I don’t think he’s really so upset.
Mish thinks Sam is a great influence for her team as he started out at 154kg and has lost 71kg. He’s been off the show for three years but he’s kept the weight off and in fact has gotten fitter and stronger.
And when he starts training it really shows. He’s got muscles!
Sam and Nathaniel are on the rowing machines. Mish is telling Sam that if he’s not a good distance ahead of Nathaniel there’ll be trouble!
Nathaniel finds Sam’s fitness level very inspirational.
Shannan’s focus in training today is Leigh. Shannan gave him a bollocking at the weigh-in. He says that Leigh only gave 80% last week and Shannan knows he could have done more.
Bob was on the leaderboard more than anyone else in the history of the show. Did he ever give less than 100%? No. It’s a choice, either do it or not.
Shannan says Leigh needs to re-earn his trust now. And he’s going to get flogged in training, in front of Bob!
Bob’s breathing heavy but we don’t see him training as yet. Leigh’s in the boxing ring with Shannan doing some kickboxing type training. Bob’s urging him on from the side of the ring, telling him it’s okay to get angry and put a lot of effort into it.
Shannan says too often Leigh will give up in training after putting in one good effort. You need to be right back at the coal face, Shannan says.
Bob’s called in for inspiration. He says it doesn’t matter if it turns out you can’t do it, the important bit is giving it everything you’ve got. If 100% isn’t enough to get it done, that’s okay. Just so long as it’s 100%!
And Leigh makes it through Shannan’s set amount of rowing machinery, as Shannan knew he could.
Leigh says Bob will help him immensely this week.
Two contestants, two trainers. “This training session is going to be pure ninja!”
Adro has a Blue Belt. Meg and Emma still have their Yellow Belts.
Tiff says Meg’s always been overweight, as was Adro, so it’s very inspiring for her.
Adro has a picture of him from when he was at his worst, at the start of the show. Which, if you don’t recall, was a hideous sight. He looks so much better these days!
When Meg came on the show she was upset about her weight, but it was the right time to come on the show, though it was her lowest point.
She also used to worry more about Emma’s weight than her own. She thought if Emma got thinner Meg herself would be happy. But now she’s learned she needs to focus on her own health.
Steve’s got Lisa there for backup today. Steve tells them that they’ve got to treat every session like Last Chance Training now. And Lisa tells them that when The Commando says ten more seconds that’s what you’ve got to do to nail it.
Steve has Rebecca bashing a sledgehammer into a big tractor tire. Sarah’s on the crosstrainer gurning like crazy, as usual.
But Steve’s impressed by Sarah’s efforts now. He says she’s really starting to get into the swing of things these days.
At one point Steve calls time and Sarah’s still bashing away at the tire with the sledgehammer. She keeps going and Steve asks her what she’s trying to get to and she finishes and says she was getting to fifty!
Afterwards Sarah is breathing very hard and Lisa sits down with her for a chat. Sarah thinks this session was different was because she gave it absolutely everything today. She doesn’t want to risk them falling below the Yellow Line again.
Her biggest fear at Camp is that she’s scared of being around people and she’s always around people at Camp. She doesn’t like it! She’s always been a solitary person, she’s always been alone.
Sarah says it’s a struggle to get out of bed every day, knowing she has to face it.
Lisa says kudos to her for getting through it… and even more, she was excited to see four more people come to Camp today!
Lisa thinks that as Sarah gets more comfortable with her new body and her new attitude, the social problems will settle down a bit.
Time for Family Weigh-in happy fun times!
The Loser Legends are there for the weigh-in, too. Just for show, presumably. I don’t think they’ll weigh-in.
The winning family this week will get a fancy lunch date away from Camp with their Loser Legend. Oooh!
Challenors are up first. Let’s check in with how terribly Greg is doing!
Greg’s informed of the new Challenor and he asks Sam how he’s finding it. Sam says he’ll wait for the family reunion, but it seems good so far!
Greg’s current weight is…
… revealed tomorrow night? Damn it!
Tomorrow night the family weigh-in will continue.
Also, The Loser Legends Contest. Sam versus Adro versus Lisa versus Bob on rowing machines!
TBL 6×21: PIGS IN MUD! Also weigh-in, elimination, blahblahblah. MUD!!!
Previously on The Biggest Loser Lara won The Contest, hooray!
Tonight, pigs in mud continues! Which team will win?
Then Nathaniel has a sook about his crappy crappy uncles and we have to listen to it. Boohoo.
And then? And then it’s time to weigh in and eliminate someone once again. Busy episode is busy!
But first, replay some footage from Friday, Mr Editor Man.
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