TBL 6×21: PIGS IN MUD! Also weigh-in, elimination, blahblahblah. MUD!!!

Previously on The Biggest Loser Lara won The Contest, hooray!


Tonight, pigs in mud continues! Which team will win?
Then Nathaniel has a sook about his crappy crappy uncles and we have to listen to it. Boohoo.
And then? And then it’s time to weigh in and eliminate someone once again. Busy episode is busy!

But first, replay some footage from Friday, Mr Editor Man.

All four contestants are caked with mud by this stage of things. Meg’s hair is surprisingly mud free, but she’s alone in that unmuddiness.

Sarah’s making an effort to drag Leigh back from his flag to try and create some slack in the line to crawl forward with.
Damien, meanwhile, is completely bogged down in the mud. So Meg’s in tears trying to pull herself and Damien’s dead weight. But she’s inching ever closer to the flag…

Which is where we left off on Friday, actually!

Meg’s only a short distance away from her flag and Sarah’s also gurning her way to the flag and then Meg finally grabs her flag!
Emma’s slapping at the mud and cheering, causing more mud to fly on Meg’s face, then she flops down and hugs Meg, getting them both muddier.

Sarah’s okay afterwards, gives the thumbs up to her team. She’s proud of herself for the effort she put in today.

Hayley announces, to much delight, that they can all go have a shower now.

Fade out… fade in, clean fatties again!

Steve’s hoping his team will use the 1kg disadvantage to motivate them. Suspect it’ll be anything but motivation for the pack of quitters the Black Team has become.

White’s relating their successes to trainer Tiff and she’s stoked at the support Emma gave to Meg. Tiff tells us Emma’s support is what got Meg over the line. And it’s good to see them being there for each other now.

Tiffiny seems to have stolen Steve’s shed! And then Tiff steals one of the cross trainers and trains alongside the girls to push them harder.
Tiff tells them they don’t need the 1kg advantage, they can get there on twin power!

Mish has got her three lads on the treadmills to start off today. Damien’s even got his plod on today. Am impressed the treadmill can take his weight and more impressed that he’s plodding along on one.
Michelle asks them how the teamwork was at the Challenge. There’s a lot of lowered eyes.

Joe finally says Nathaniel should get a white tshirt because he’s sleeping with The Duncans now. In the sense of SLEEPING.
Nathaniel confirms to Michelle that he is indeed doing that, one night there, one night in his usual room. Doesn’t matter where he sleeps, he says, so long as it’s out of the gym.

Nathaniel tells us he’s not betraying the team by doing it, it’s because Damien and Joe are ostracizing him.
Joe says that he and Damien are trying to pull the team together and Nathaniel’s trying to pull away and he feels like Nathaniel should go!

Nathaniel says Joe came up to him earlier and said that Joe and Damien had decided the next time he should go up for elimination. Nathaniel says it should be a family decision, not just those two.
Joe says he should stop talking to him.

Mish asks Nate if he doesn’t want to be with those guys. And Nate says he’s being put down again, like he has his whole life. And why’s he going to sleep with the White Team? Because his uncles piss him off.
Mish says to us that all you’ve got is your team so she’s got to pull the team back together. Not sure you’re going to have a lot of luck with that!

Mish gets them all off the treadmill for a chat because she thinks that’s more important than Last Chance Training.
Michelle asks them why they can’t get along. Joe says they’ve been trying to but every time they do Nathaniel thinks he’s putting them down. He can’t say anything because he’ll take it the wrong way, so he just doesn’t bother talking.
Nathaniel says that Joe’s whole attitude is the problem. He’s a bad sport and has a bad attitude.
And then Nathaniel says he’s never liked Joe. Why? One part he remembers was being in an elevator with Joe and Joe gave him a nipplecripple (HAHAHA) and Nate asked him to stop, was in tears in pain and he wouldn’t stop.

Joe says Nate’s Dad used to do the same thing to him. And Nate rightly points out that those two are brothers and Joe’s his uncle. People have boundaries!

Darn tootin’, that’s assault. And big surprise, confirmation that Joe’s a massive jerk!

Joe says he had no idea that Nate had issues with him from the past. He says the things Nate’s done some fantastic things in the Camp. Nate amazes him.
Nate knows that’s a compliment and he says it’s the first he’s heard in a long time.
But he tells us that Joe might be changing but he’ll wait and see.

Joe says he wants Nathaniel with them. He’s very competitive but that’s just the way he’s wired. He wants Nate with them, honestly. He wouldn’t be there if he didn’t want them there.
Mish tells Joe and Nathaniel to hug it out afterwards. Awww.

Yeah, if only Joe hadn’t consistently been a two faced liar!

Anyway, Shannan has his Blue people looking at the Honour Board to see Leigh’s name up on there and the rest of them want to get their names up there.
Shannan says he was serious when he said on Day One that he’d get them all to the final.
But he wants them to understand that there’s been many falls from grace at this stage of the game. But they all need to just keep knuckling down.

But Shannan’s secretly nervous that Blue may not have done enough…

Now it’s time for weigh-in. And Leigh has suddenly got a massive amount of strapping over his shoulder that he didn’t have while looking at the Honour Board. Wonder what happened?

Anyway, Black’s nervous about their 1kg penalty and of course Kellie’s got the Immunity.
White’s got a 1kg weight advantage, which they’ll likely need being just two people and two girls at that!

And just to rub it in some more, they get to weigh in first.

Meg’s up first.
Meg Previous: 113.8kg
Meg Current: 107kg
Meg Loss: 6.8kg

Wow, that’s a great loss at this stage.

Emma Previous: 110.2kg
Emma Current: 102.4kg
Emma Loss: 7.8kg

Wow, massive losses from both girls!

Duncan Total: 15.6kg (after 1kg advantage)
Duncan Percentage: 6.96%

That ought to see them easily into first place. Nearly 7%?! Going to take a big effort…

Moons are next. Safe to say they won’t be toppling anyone…

Rebecca Previous: 101.3kg
Rebecca Current: 96.3kg
Rebecca Loss: 5kg

Jodie Previous: 90.7kg
Jodie Current: 87.2kg
Jodie Loss: 3.5kg

Jodie still feels like she needs to be there. And she misses her family, but she doesn’t get as upset about it anymore.

Sarah Previous: 133.1kg
Sarah Current: 128.3kg
Sarah Loss: 4.8kg

Kellie Previous: 111.5kg
Kellie Current: 106.2kg
Kellie Loss: 5.3kg

Moons Total: 18.6kg. 17.6kg after 1kg penalty.
Moon Percentage: 4.03%

Strange that the one who ate a tonne of chocolate buttons and went home for 24 hours got the best result from their family…

Leigh Previous: 107.9kg
Leigh Current: 102.9kg
Leigh Loss: 5kg

Leigh says he’s very happy with 5kg.
Shannan says he shouldn’t be happy at all with 5kg. He should’ve got more!
5kg is 5kg, Shan!

Shannan says that Leigh was making excuses for his sore shoulder, not training at Last Chance. He should’ve been sitting on a bike or a crosstrainer, not using his arm at all for that, just legs.
Leigh says Shannan’s right though. And he doesn’t think he could keep the weight off if he went home.

Shannan tells us that Leigh’s lazy. Dirty house, dirty room, dirty car. Doesn’t clean up after himself, lets Sharlene do it. Be a man!

Lara Previous: 87.1kg
Lara Current: 83.8kg
Lara Loss: 3.3kg

Craig Previous: 98kg
Craig Current: 96kg
Craig Loss: 2kg

Nowhere near enough. Even Tiffiny’s looking disappointed.
Craig says he’s actually happy with 2kg because his body feels like he’s put on weight this week, though he doesn’t know why. He’s been eating right and everyone’s been watching him eat right.

Sharlene’s feeling like she’s got the whole team on her shoulders now, so she’s stressed out!

Sharlene Previous: 96.6kg
Sharlene Current: 95.2kg
Sharlene Loss: 1.4kg

Yeahhhhhhh that’s not going to be enough.

Westren Total: 11.7kg
Westren Percentage: 3%

Which means they’re already below the Yellow Line. Their only hope of salvation now is for Red to be under with them.

Sharlene’s shattered. Mish tries to tell her that these things happen. Sometimes the weightloss just doesn’t come…

Challenors will need at least 17.8kg to get above the Yellow Line. Now, realistically, Damien and Joe should be able to do most of that…

Joe Previous: 119.6kg
Joe Current: 112.9kg
Joe Loss: 6.7kg

Almost one third of the amount needed so they’re on the way.
Joe says that he and Nathaniel are working through the issues, on questioning from Hayley. Joe didn’t realise the things he said or did affected Nathaniel so much.

Nathaniel Previous: 119.2kg
Nathaniel Current: 112.8kg
Nathaniel Loss: 6.4kg

Another almost-one-third. So it’s all down to Damien. Really, Damien should pull the rest of it easily.

He’ll need at least 4.7kg. That should be easy. Cake, even.

Damien Previous: 201.6kg
Damien Current: 187.9kg
Damien Loss: 13.7kg


Challenor Total: 26.8kg
Challenor Percentage: 6.09%

Second place, meaning Black and Blue are under the line. DUN DUN DUNNNNN!
Everyone’s applauding Damien’s massive loss. Except Michelle who is too stunned to do anything but stand there covering her face.

Damien says a lot of things have changed for him. He can bend over and touch his toes!

Damien confirms that he does want to be there now. And he’ll be this year’s Biggest Loser. He’s going to win!

Both teams facing Elimination are the remaining four member teams, which is bound to have the forum morons crying conspiracy once again.

Emma and Meg are now on top of the Leaderboard, too!

So who will Moons and Westrens choose to sacrifice?

Shannan thinks it’ll be a battle between Craig and Sharlene as to who’ll nominate themselves.

Sarah says it’s her turn to go up but Jodie says no, Sarah needs to be there more than Jodie. Jodie’s percentages are going to keep sliding as she doesn’t have the weight to lose anymore.

Westrens had previously made the decision that Craig should go up but now Sharlene’s feeling down and wanting to go home.
Bad reason, Shar!

After the ad break Red and White are in the Elimination room. As there’s only five of them in total there won’t be any split decision tonight. Excellent.
Unfortunately Red also outnumbers White so Craig could be doomed due to strategy.

Oh, sorry, yeah. Craig’s totally up for Elimination again. As is Jodie.
Meg shakes her head. She’s disappointed to see Jodie there again as she’d started to turn things around.

Jodie says that because Kellie has immunity and Rebecca and herself have both been up before. It was supposed to be Sarah’s turn but Sarah definitely couldn’t do it on the outside.

Jodie says she wants to stay and some people in the competition don’t want to be there.
“Who doesn’t want to be here?” Hayley asks. Jodie looks at Craig apologetically and says he probably doesn’t like to say it but his heart’s not in it.

Craig says he needs to be there, he knows that. He’s not sure he could do it at home by himself. And he’s not sure the risk is worth taking but he’s hoping maybe friendship might save him.

Yeah, pretty sure it won’t. Smart money is sending you home since Jodie’s no threat!

Joe’s first to vote. Joe says that both need to be there but someone has to go home. He’s voted for Craig.

Emma says it was a difficult choice for her as she’s grown close to both of them. But one has family support at home so she’s voted for Jodie.

Damien likes both people at the end of the table so his vote is coming down to strategic choices. Westrens have been a powerhouse in the game so if they can take some of that away from them (? Craig’s not the reason the Westrens are kicking arse) then so much the better for the Challenors.
So Damien’s voted for Craig.

Meg’s voting with her heart. She’s formed a close bond with someone and looked to them, so that said she’s voted for Jodie.

That’s two votes each. Leaving the deciding vote to Nathaniel. Is he about to drive another wedge into his team by voting the “wrong” way?

Nathaniel says he’s close to both people, both are about the same weight, both can lose about the same weight and both are from a team of four, so it’s really hard to choose. And so what it’s come down to is he knows one person better than the other person… so he’s voted for Craig!

Meaning Craig can go home and go back to eating the wrong things and not exercising, hooray!

Craig thinks Red voted him out because they’re close to the Black team. Wasn’t surprising to him.
Craig’s going to miss his family and his extended family in there.

But he can’t wait to see his daughter Emma. He’s going to drag Emma to the gym with him and make sure she can dob him in to Sharlene if he doesn’t do what he’s supposed to!

Emma, the contestant, says Craig’s like her Dad in there. Meg says he’s the father figure in the house and they’ve got a good bond with them.
Craig doesn’t like to see them so upset but he’ll see them every week at Family Weigh-In. Surely they won’t keep doing that the whole season?

Jodie’s dodged another bullet and Moons are the only family with four members.

Hayley promises Craig they’ll look after Sharlene for him. Craig says he hopes she doesn’t yell at them!

Lots of hugs all round for Craig. Awww!
Craig promises to check in on Jarrod (they live near to each other? Ooh!) and tells Emma to wish Lara a happy birthday.

Wednesday Night… Time to raise the stakes. Grey team!

No, wait! LOSER LEGENDS RETURN! Adro, Sam, Bob and Lisa come to train with this year’s Contestants, not just sit around shooting the breeze? Awesome.

And damn, they’re all looking goooood.