Archive for February, 2009


Tonight on Fat Camp Australia: Fitzroy Island Edition… it’s Challenge night! For the first time this year!
Certain places are referring to the challenge as the “Water Torture” challenge. Classy! I wonder if it’s because the show went there first…
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TBL Australia 4×05: The Walk makes its boring-ass return!

Previously on The Biggest Loser the fatties stood strong… for a while. Then the two little pigs went wee-wee-wee all the way to the lolly jar!

Tonight… The Walk! And it’s going to be the biggest most shocking most oh-my-gawd worthy Walk EVAR!!!
It must be true. Mr Voiceover Man would never lie to me!
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TBL Australia 4×04: The First Temptation of the Fatties

Previously on The Biggest Loser teams were picked and trainers selected. They also helped contribute to the pollution problems of the world by burning a variety of clothing items in a bonfire.

More training lined up for tonight… and the first Temptation of the year!
“It’s a high calorie standoff!” Or so says Mr Voiceover man…
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TBL Australia 4×03: Trainers pick teams while being meaniebums!

Previously on The Biggest Loser ten couples set sail for a new life. Get it?

Tonight the trainers drop the nice guy routine from the junk food dinner of the night before and get down to serious business. Seeing how many they can make puke!
Okay, that’s probably not their goal. They’re not Jillian after all!
Tonight is also the first Warehouse for the year. Sigh.
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TBL Australia 4×02: A Weigh In on Monday? Schedules be damned!

Previously on The Biggest Loser… stuff you could have rewatched a couple of hours ago!

Tonight? The couples weigh in for the first time. Expect tears, expect touching stories, expect people to whine about not being able to find love, losing love… You know the drill if you’ve watched before!
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