Schedule for the remaining episodes this year…

It is believed that the finale of the show will air next Thursday night, 1st of May. The TV Guide doesn’t go quite that far into the future yet, but as there are no episodes next week after Sunday night, it seems likely to be the case!

I’ll put the rest of the schedule after the break, because there may be a few spoilers.

Tuesday: Another 1 hour show, containing the always fun “Train the Trainers”, where the contestants put their trainers through a workout of their own devising. Also we see the contestants finally get their dream outfits out of the cabinets and try them on.

Wednesday: Final Temptation of the series, with a very big reward – a guaranteed place in the Final!

Thursday: Contestants are tempted with cold hard cash? Thought Temptation was Wednesday.

Friday: The very last Last Chance Training!

Sunday: Final Weigh In plus final Elimination.

Thursday the 1st: The Finale!