Biggest Loser Australia 3×61: Week 10 Weigh In
Tonight on The Biggest Loser we find out who has ultimately lost the Super Challenge.
Well, we find out officially, since most of us have worked it out by ourselves!
Also back at the White House, someone’s been up to dirty tricks with the foodstuffs.
We also get a catchup with Bryce, to see how he’s doing since leaving the House.
Would you like to know more?
So everyone’s picked their plate of food or drink and now we’re merely awaiting the result. Of course, first we have to have the selections replayed to us before we ever get to see Ajay. Come on, guys, this makes the Friday episode even more of a waste of time!
Alison is comforting Garry, who says he doesn’t like coming last and Alison says she knows how he feels!
Garry thinks his muesli will be the highest.
Ajay’s going to reveal the calories from lowest to highest.
Cosi’s yoghurt: 80 calories.
Kirsten’s baked beans: 181 calories
Alison’s french fries: 250 calories
Sam’s very worried now! He thought his chocolate bar was definitely less than the french fries!
Next is…
Garry’s muesli: 277 calories
Garry’s astounded. Michelle looks horrified. Sam looks very worried, thinking he may as well start walking home right now!
Ajay asks Sam if he thinks he’s going home and Sam says it’s pretty certain. If you go home in a weigh in, you can’t help that, but he mucked up! Michelle meanwhile has a grim look on her face and is shaking her head. She says to Sam that she thinks she’s going home.
The item with the highest number of calories is… an ad break! They’re chock full of calories!
No, really, the item with the highest number of calories please Ajay?
Sam says he looked at the soft drink and then the chocolate bar. The choc bar in the book is 35g, not 55g like the one he has. So he’s panicking.
But it’s actually the Fanta! Woohoo!
Michelle starts crying and Alison and Kirsten put their arms around her. Someone’s hand, Garry’s I think, pops in to grab the back of her head.
“How are you feeling Michelle?” “I’m sad to be leaving.” Genius.
304 calories for the Fanta. Chocolate bar, 290 calories.
Then in the distance a boat rows up with some Hawaiian folks in it to take Michelle away!
Michelle gives a kiss and a hug to everyone, including Cosi. She tells Sam he has to win this!
Michelle says her main goal was to get as far as she could and she’s really happy to have gotten to the final 6. She says no amount of money in the world could make up for what she’s learnt on the show. She knows she can go out there and lose weight and also learnt a lot about health and nutrition.
She’s also made a lot of friends and the person who’s leaving is confident and strong.
Meanwhile Blue and Red are congratulating each other on the dock. It’s back to how it started at last. Suffer in yer jocks, Bob and Gilligan!
Cosi’s really happy about winning the Super Challenge and making it to the final 5.
Alison says she’ll carry the memories of Hawaii forever.
But now they’re heading back to the White House and another weigh in.
Cosi says they’ve got to get out of the holiday mood, no messing around!
Garry says it’s back to two Reds and three Blues, so it’ll be interesting now!
Blue have a strategy chat. They don’t seem too upset about Black being gone. Kirsten says Bob and Jillian will be happy!
Alison says it’d be very cool to get all 3 Blues through to the final.
Their strategy is to try and ensure that only one Blue is below the Yellow Line. If they can do that, they’ve got a strangehold on the game.
Cosi and Garry figure if either fall below the line, they’re gone.
Shannan and Michelle race up the driveway to find out who’s still there!
Both of them are stoked that all their peeps are still in the House!
They explain the super challenge to the trainers. And all the events that entailed.
Recap recap recap.
Cosi’s really happy about being able to tell Michelle that he won the Super Challenge. In an aside Michelle says she’d known Cosi would cross the line first but then to pick the lowest calories too? He’s got all the bases covered!
Shannan says looking at the original Blue and Red Teams being the only ones left on the lounge, it made them realise that what they’re doing is working and they’ve got the show under control.
Shannan tells them that without Red and Blue doing what they were asked, it wouldn’t’ve worked out like this. He thanks them for making the trainers look good!
Now a special catch up with Bryce…
He’s looking much as he looked during his post-elimination catch up. Honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if they were filmed on the same day.
Looks awesome, seems happier than he used to be. He says he’ll be fit, happy and healthy at the finale. I’d say he already is!
Good nutrition is everything at this stage of the game, Shannan tells us again.
The trainers sit down for a meal with Blue.
Shannan says Blue need to take responsibility for how they prepare their food, at no stage should that food be taken away and prepared by someone else. You can’t trust anyone in this place!
Cosi put a bowl of nuts next to the scales in the kitchen and the next day half the nuts were gone, so he keeps topping up the bowl and feeding the birds as they come past, he says. He couldn’t believe how many bags of cashews they were going through!
Sam says Blue got together for a chat about what they could do to ensure they wouldn’t fall below the Yellow Line.
The day before weigh in Cosi has a protein shake. Which is milk, egg whites and low fat chocolate topping.
So Sam found Cosi’s chocolate topping stash, tipped some of the light stuff down the sink and replaced it with regular chocolate topping. Knowing he’d put a tablespoon in the shake before weigh in.
Surely that wouldn’t make very much difference? Sam says his intention was to only give them a slight advantage, something very minimal.
Blue has worked out that so long as at least two of them are above the line, they’ve got it in the bag. So today’s session is all about intensity, they’ve got to do as much as they can to ensure they stay in the lead.
Shannan’s actually getting in and doing all the exercises with them today. Sam says it was really good, it brings him in closer to the team.
Shannan brings up Sam saying he could win during training to spur him on. He says he’s raising his expectations now, why shouldn’t he aim for the title?
Shannan thinks Sam swimming with the sharks has taken him to a whole new level, he’s not scared anymore he’s brave and empowered.
Sam is absolutely smashed at the end of training, he says. But he says it’s good because you have a quiet confidence, because if that’s not going to get you through then what will?
Garry’s stepped up his training since getting back from Hawaii he says. He knows if he goes below the Line, he’s gone.
Michelle says Garry will lose a lot this week because he gained 1.5kg last week. And he’s on fire all through the session, so she’s sure she’ll get a good result out of him.
With Cosi though, she thinks it might be time to draw back a little, he’s working hard and doing well physically, but she wants to check on him emotionally.
Cosi says he’s feeling a little drained and flat. It’s been a dogfight every single week and it gets to be a drain on you.
Michelle tells him that Cosi’s at an athlete level now. There’ll be times when you feel like you’re hitting the wall a bit and you need to pull back a little then. Cosi’s having one of those times at the moment, but Michelle thinks he’ll be fine at the weigh in.
Lots of talk from Garry here about how fit and strong Cosi is. He’s top of the charts, etc.
Sounds like he’ll be slipping below the line this week?
Everyone walks into the Weigh In Room. And everyone is nervous again. Not confident. Anyone could be going home. It’s a crucial time!
And yet Ajay still can’t wear a decent dress. Looks like dusty old curtains and only half as appealing!
“You are now the Final Five.” Until people return, right Ajay? Bah.
Alison looks like she’s going to be sick as Ajay talks about the Yellow Line. Will she claw her way above it this week?
First person to step up will be Sam. Everyone wishes him good luck. Aww!
Sam’s previous weight: 108.8kg
Sam’s current weight: 103.3kg
Sam’s loss: 5.5kg
Sam’s percentage: 5.06%
Sam is boggling, as is everyone else. Cosi says he figures nobody will beat that.
Sam says he’s stoked at the number, he’d’ve never guessed that much. Alison thinks it’s enough, too.
Sam is asked if he thinks the competition is hotting up. Sam says it’s at the stage of the game where everyone is vulnerable and worried and if you fall below the line, you might not be safe. “How far will people go to win?” Sam says everyone wants to win and people will do whatever they can to do that.
Ajay continues goading Sam, asking him if there’s any sneaky tactics coming into play. And Sam says he’s gorged himself on cashews and almonds which are conveniently placed on the bench every morning. Cosi has a bit of a grin at that.
Ajay asks who he thinks is putting the cashews out. And Cosi fesses up before Sam can try to guess. Sam says that Cosi eats them as well, so it’s not like, mean.
Ajay’s not giving it up, though. She asks if he’s resorted to any dirty tactics himself and Sam says probably. He probably has.
In an aside, Sam says there’s a few more incidents which probably aren’t as big as they seem, involving chocolate topping. It was only a few tablespoons, he says, so it shouldn’t make much difference. Of course, Cosi hasn’t weighed in yet.
Next up is Kirsten. I thought Cosi would be next for sure.
Kirsten’s previous weight: 88.9kg
Kirsten’s current weight: 84.1kg
Kirsten’s loss: 4.8kg
Kirsten’s percentage: 5.4%
“Yay! I like Hawaii!” Kirsten’s stunned, she says. Ajay asks if the game has stepped up a notch and she says absolutely.
Kirsten’s actually the biggest loser due to that. Kirsten says it’s not about the money for her, it’s about the title. And to be the first female biggest loser in Australia would be fantastic. So I guess they’ve been told about the English chick who won.
Garry will need to lose at least 8.4kg to get above Sam and Kirsten. Even with his waterloading last week, that’s a lot of weight!
Garry thinks he’ll get a loss but not a big one, so it’ll be bye bye Gaz! Alison says she’s desperately hoping Garry will be below the Yellow Line because he doesn’t work as hard as the rest of them and he shouldn’t be rewarded for it!
Garry’s previous weight: 155.1kg
Garry’s current weight: 147kg
Garry’s loss: 8.1kg
Garry’s percentage: 5.22%
Not quite enough to guarantee safety, but probably will.
“Oh my God I’m going to be below the Yellow Line” Alison, under her breath.
Garry says it’s a bit of a shock and wondering where it came from.
Alison says it’s common knowledge that Garry gained weight to get rid of Kirsten. She says they understand it in a way because it’s a game and they might have done the same in the same situation. But she thought it was a bit much him throwing on the sob story on the scales, that was where he let himself down.
Kirsten thinks he’s a good actor. Garry’s not really speechless today, he was planning on having a huge number. She says it is a game and if he’d come out and said he’s going to give her a bad percentage to get her below the line last week, she’d’ve respected him more for that. She was hoping he’d get his just desserts, maybe his time is yet to come!
Ajay asks Garry about the dirty tactics and Garry says he doesn’t think there’s been any big ones, just little ones like the cashew nuts thing.
This is so leading to something big. Ajay never probes this deep unless it’s leading to something!
“It’s not like we’re spiking each other’s food…” Garry says. Sam’s eyes look very shifty.
Garry says Sam made him a milkshake this morning and he could have filled it up with full cream milk and chocolate, he doesn’t know. But he trusted Sam and if he’d done something wrong then it’s Garry’s own fault, he admits.
Meanwhile, Cosi asks Alison if anyone has spiked food, to which she says no. All under their breaths but we got subtitles.
In an aside Garry says that if someone had spiked his food, he’d belt the guy!
Kirsten is first, followed by Garry and Sam. With two people below her, Kirsten is definitely safe.
If Alison or Cosi get more than Sam, Sam will be facing elimination. Alison probably won’t, but Cosi might… if that food spiking hasn’t ruined him. Which it may have, as Alison weighs in next…
Alison needs at least 4.5kg to stay above the Yellow Line.
Alison’s previous weight: 87.9kg
Alison’s current weight: 83.4kg
Alison’s loss: 4.5kg
Alison’s percentage: 5.12%
She got exactly what she needed, woohoo! Ajay says she’s safe for now.
Alison’s worried that it will be herself and Sam below the Yellow Line.
Alison says an all Blue finale would be a big thankyou to Shannan. She says the need to be there isn’t as strong anymore, but the desire to finish the game off is enormous.
Alison says, in response to Ajay’s continued probing, that Blue used to order ice cream to put in Red’s fridge, because they could resist eating it. She says that’s harmless though!
Garry meanwhile is asking about the dirty tactics in a low voice among the other contestants. Cosi says someone must have spiked food and Sam says it’s making him sound like a villain.
Garry says they all know about the cashews, but it sounds like it might be more sinister? Cosi asks Sam if he’s done anything dodgy. Cosi figures it’s got to be more than the cashews!
Sam is now just below the Yellow Line, Alison is just one spot above. Poor Sam! Don’t go home yet!
Sam says that as Cosi says, if you leave at this stage of the game it’s nothing to be ashamed of.
Cosi will need at least 5kg. Ouch.
Cosi says he’s slogged it pretty hard and his diet’s been about 90% good this week.
Cosi says he’s more scared about getting on the scales now than he was at 140kg. Ajay asks why and he says he doesn’t want to go below the Yellow Line, he doesn’t want go home. He wants to see the job finished.
Cosi’s previous weight: 96.2kg
Cosi’s current weight: 91.5kg
Cosi’s loss: 4.7kg
Cosi’s percentage: 4.89%
“Ouch.” Cosi says it’s very frustrating. Sam looks crushed. Like, crazy-shattered.
Cosi says it saddens him, he’d’ve never picked himself and Sam to be going to elimination. Sam continues looking devastated.
Cosi says it was a bit crushing missing out by 300 grams and was looking back over the last couple of days to work out where he could have saved 300 grams.
Ajay asks what he might have done that lead to him being lower than the others this week. Cosi says the only thing he can think of was the milkshake he made out of egg whites yesterday. Normally he’d only have 400ml, but he had 750ml instead. So that’s 300 grams he could have dropped instead.
Sam’s feeling really bad. Apparently Cosi put a little bit of topping in his milkshake but poured the rest in a cup and drank it. So Sam’s feeling terrible. He knew it would make a difference but it’s a lot more than he thought it would.
Sam says to the girls that it’s his fault. He says to Garry that he feels like Cosi deserves to be above the Yellow Line.
Sam looks upset, Ajay asks him what’s wrong. Sam says if you put him and Cosi next to each other and compare how much work they’ve done together and how much they’ve stuck to their diet, “He’s shat all over me!”
Cosi says cheers and says he’s a good kid and repeats that if Sam won he wouldn’t begrudge him the win. Sam looks sick.
Back in asideland he says he feels guilty, but at the end of the day he didn’t make Cosi eat the chocolate topping and it wouldn’t’ve been a 300 gram difference. But you can tell he still feels terrible about it. Poor bugger.
Ajay asks who Cosi thinks is the bigger threat and Cosi says that he’s not just saying this because he’s up against Sam, but Sam is the bigger threat. His starting weight was 15kg heavier and still has 20kg+ on the girls, so he’s got the weight to lose and he’s also great at weightloss. He’s fantastic at what he does, that’s why he’s still there!
Cosi says that they’re looking like they might have their first female Biggest Loser, but in order to do that they’d have to get rid of one of their old team mates, since he’s the bigger threat.
In an aside, Cosi says he’s feeling like a politician, doing the whole “Sam’s a bigger threat than me! Hellooooooo? Are you listening over there?” Heh.
Cosi actually got a pretty good result, it just wasn’t good enough. As is so often the case.
Sam says he’s wondering whether he might be the one who sent Cosi to elimination.
Alison, Kirsten and Garry will have to vote on who to kick out. Surely they won’t vote for Sam. Surely.
Cosi’s pretty sure he’ll be going home though, since the Blue Team is so tight.
Tomorrow night, “two huge threats get ready to face off!”
And there’s talk of team loyalty maybe being cast aside, pfft.
Still ahead this week? Oh, look at that, someone is coming back. Oh der.
Who do we see? Michelle, Sheridan, Bryce, Sean, Nicola, Debbie, Carrianne, Rachel, Nicole, Monica and Michael. So no John, JJ or Steven. And whoever gets eliminated tomorrow night isn’t there either. I expect that’s just editing though…
Sam's chocolate topping sneakiness...
- Harmless fun (64%)
- Low-down and dirty (36%)
Total Votes: 160