Biggest Loser Australia 3×55: Week 9 Weigh In, plus Challenge result
Tonight on The Biggest Loser we find out the results of the Challenge on Friday night.
Also, Garry reveals the stone to the rest of the House. And Michelle is very unimpressed!
And someone gains weight at the weigh in. 1.5kg flashes up on the screen. So expect it to be Garry or Cosi since nobody else has any reason to put that much on!
And also we have a special catch up with Nicola (yay!) and… Steven? Really? Okay…
Would you like to know more?
Garry says you could tell Michelle and Bryce were getting peeved that Red and Blue were only helping each other and not them.
Alison is helping Sam with his load and she says that she was very focused on that. You need to help your teammember, because he’s still her team member, even though they’re in singles now!
Michelle’s still hoping that her and Bryce can finish before Sam, but it’s not to be! Sam finishes his last couple of poles and Michelle is still going.
Michelle and Bryce are bitching to each other about the way Blue and Red are playing “happy families”.
Cosi heads over to try and give Michelle a few words of encouragement. “It’s fine, I don’t need sympathy from anyone!” “I’m not giving you sympathy, mate, I’m giving you encouragement.” “I don’t need it.”
Back in an aside, Cosi says that’s it for him. He can’t believe she’d be such a bad sport.
Michelle says in an aside that she wanted to finish it on her own. “It was quite clear that it was them against us.”
Oh my fucking god! That is exactly what you arrogant sons of bitches have been saying since you became the Black Team.
Has your sympathy for Michelle dried up now?
- No (25%)
- Yes (75%)
Total Votes: 59

Bryce says Michelle didn’t want outside help secondhand, she didn’t want sloppy seconds.
Alison says that Michelle looked peed off afterwards. Alison goes to try and comfort Michelle, see how she is and Michelle pretty much brushes her off.
Michelle says she has to weigh in… a whole 12 hours ahead.
Twelve hours? Cry some more.
Kirsten says that Michelle really only has Bryce as a solid mate, where Kirsten, Sam and Alison stick together, Garry and Cosi stick together. And now Michelle has realised that she’s not the most popular in the House.
The cameras follow Bryce into one of the bedrooms where he’s gone to try and talk to her and Michelle is all, “I’m not talking to the cameras! I’m serious!” And then a bit after Sam tells us they could tell she’s not in a good mood. We get another shot of Michelle saying, “Get the cameras away from me, it’s not helping!”
Everyone files into the weigh in room, only Michelle in a Black shirt as she’s the only one weighing in.
Garry’s looking pretty grimly over to her. Michelle’s not looking forward to this!
Ajay is there, of course. In the peasant dress again.
Ajay says she’s not had a chance for Last Chance training, but really, the Challenge was probably even more work than that anyway?
Michelle tells Ajay that she’s scared the early weigh in will put her below the Yellow Line.
As she goes up to the scales, Sam calls out good luck to her, as do a couple of the others.
Michelle’s previous weight: 98.9kg
Michelle’s current weight: 96.6kg
Michelle’s loss: 2.3kg
Michelle’s percentage: 2.33%
Not bad, especially considering it’s her best for a while. She wonders what she would have got with another 12 hours though.
Alison is surprised, thinking Michelle wouldn’t do that well, especially weighing in early. So now she’s worried she’ll slip under the Yellow Line herself!
Michelle is optomistic that it will be enough to get her above the Line.
And of course now Garry has to consider whether he wants to steal that 2.3kg away from her… That could be interesting!
Michelle, Bob and Shannan rock up for the post-Challenge training today.
Bob asked, “What was it?” Sam, “Moving stuff.” Heh.
“You were last, I bet?” – Bob to Michelle, after they explain about the penalty. Bob says, in the lounge room with everyone else, “Guess who’s going to be below the Yellow Line?”
Bob in an aside says the Challenge was really more about who your friends and enemies are. And he thinks Michelle and Bryce are definitely on the outside now.
Shannan asks Michelle if she’s quietly confident, after announcing her number, and they all tell her that it’s a good number.
Bob says she has to remember why she’s there. The game can get the best of you, and it’s getting the best of her at the moment.
Garry reveals the bit about not being able to tell people about The Walk result.
Michelle wants to know what it is. Can’t tell anyone? She wants to know what it is!
Garry still hasn’t decided who to swap with. Kirsten is a big threat, Alison is a fierce competitor. But seeing Michelle weigh in early, he knows her result, so it’s not taking a chance like it would be on Alison or Kirsten.
Now we get a special catch up with Steven the Quitter!
He’s still looking pretty bottom heavy, but he’s shaved all his hair off, which makes him look much less stupid.
He says he’s not given up and the show gave him the kick up the butt he needed.
Before the show he’d get laughed at a lot. Is he still laughed at? He doesn’t say.
His old pants were a 58″ waist and now they’re down to 40″, or thereabouts.
The next time we see him at the finale he’ll be lighter, healthier and he can’t wait.
Screw off, you shouldn’t even be at the finale, you quit, stay at home.
Bob takes Black off for Last Chance. Well, Last Chance for Bryce, a really hardcore workout for Michelle. Who should probably be told that weighing in early also means an extra 12 hours of weightloss before the next weigh in!
Bryce is concerned that Garry might have the ability to knock someone out or add weight to someone and he thinks Garry would put it on him.
Bob says Bryce could hit a big milestone tonight. He could get below 100kg. Bob’s hoping Bryce will get below 100kg and above the Yellow Line.
Garry and Cosi are doing rowing for Last Chance at the start.
Michelle says Last Chance is also about getting people mentally prepared for the Weigh In.
In the past it’s been hard to wind Garry up and since he has immunity she thought Garry might take the foot off the accelerator a little bit.
Garry thinks maybe he might have this week.
Shannan says they don’t have the time or energy to worry about the result of The Walk. What they can control is how hard they work out in Last Chance.
Shannan says Kirsten is injury free and has even been getting up while other people are still sleeping and hasn’t missed a training session. He’s expecting big things from her this week.
And now it’s time for Garry to reveal the stone, “before the weigh in”. They’re already in their black shirts so it must be just before.
Garry explains it all to them. Cosi says imagine going into weigh in knowing that your own result doesn’t count!
Garry says it’s based on percentage loss, making Michelle not a bad choice at all.
Bryce says the girls are pissed off. Michelle was about to blow up “deluxe”. Alison was quiet, which means she’s angry. Kirsten looked like she was about to rip the walls down.
Michelle asks if he has to have chosen already or if he can choose during weigh in and he says during the weigh in.
Garry explains that he couldn’t tell them because if he did, he’d lose immunity.
But before weigh in we get a catch up with Nicola!
And she’s looking really good! She’s still a little chubby. She says she used to be a size 20, now she’s down to 12-14.
She says she’s looking after her body and is a lot more confident now. She can walk into any store and choose anything off the rack now.
She says she’ll be at least 30kg lighter at the finale.
And now it’s weigh in time!
And big surprise, everyone is nervous. Alison says she wants to keep her results, they’re her results, she’s worked hard for them!
Ajay’s in another pretty black dress. Has transparent sleeve-y things. Pretty!
She explains the Yellow Line again for all those stupid people who don’t watch every week!
Cosi’s hoping Sam, Bryce or Kirsten will be below the Yellow Line, purely because they’re threats!
Michelle is currently in first place, of course, with 2.33% since she has already weighed in.
First we need to find out who Garry has chosen to swap weightloss with.
Michelle and Alison both don’t think Garry’s done enough work.
Garry has chosen to swap with… Kirsten!
Who looks unamused. Bryce thinks that Kirsten was about to climb over himself and Cosi to punch Garry out.
Garry figures that Kirsten works the hardest, has the best loss so far and is thus probably the safest bet.
Kirsten tells Ajay that she’s pretty pissed off. She expected it though.
Garry says in an aside that he can understand her being pissed off, but it wasn’t anything personal.
Kirsten gets to weigh in first as a result.
Kirsten’s previous weight: 90.6kg
Kirsten’s current weight: 88.9kg
Kirsten’s loss: 1.7kg
Kirsten’s percentage: 1.88%
Not a great result. Alison is shocked at the result and then thinks to herself that if Kirsten has only lost 1.7kg then Alison will be lucky to have lost a kilo!
Kirsten tells Ajay that she didn’t do anything different this week. She was sort of expecting her body would slow down at some point. And it looks like if Garry has lost a decent number, he might have saved her butt!
Kirsten says it would have been nice to have known that her weightloss would have put her above the Yellow Line.
Garry has immunity and he’s safe from immunity “no matter what happens”, Ajay says. What about the putting weight thing on, Ajay?
Garry’s next, so we may find out…
Garry’s previous weight: 153.6kg
Garry’s current weight: 155.1kg
Garry’s GAIN: 1.5kg
Garry’s percentage GAIN: .98%
Kirsten’s upset. She worked hard and now she gets his crappy result.
Garry felt embarassed and upset. He wanted to lose weight and if Kirsten fell below the Yellow Line, so be it. But he didn’t want to put weight on intentionally. Garry’s got tears in his eyes on the scale and he apologises to Kirsten.
Alison thinks he planned to get a really bad result, but maybe not quite that bad.
Kirsten says to him that he’d better not write her name on the card tomorrow night in the elimination room! Garry’s so sorry, he says. Kirsten says she feels sorry for him too, it’s hard to put on weight.
Cosi says he wasn’t shocked. “What would you have done in his situation? If I was him I would have put on bloody four kilos!” Bwahahahaha!
In actuality of course, he has a percentage of -1.88% from Kirsten and Kirsten has the +.98%.
And Garry does indeed get to keep his immunity, which is the lamest thing ever. The rule was invented for a reason, guys.
Cosi’s nervous, he’s up next.
Cosi’s previous weight: 98.9kg
Cosi’s current weight: 96.2kg
Cosi’s loss: 2.7kg
Cosi’s percentage: 2.73%
Cosi’s happy with that because he’s definitely above the Yellow Line, with Kirsten and Michelle below him. So he’s really happy. He says he survived, but only just. He tells us that it shows you can have a rough patch in your weightloss adventure but you can recover!
And as he goes up to the stairs again, he gets a kiss and a hug from Michelle? Okay.
Cosi’s weightloss actually puts him in the #1 spot right now, too.
Sam will need at least 2.7kg to stay above Michelle.
Sam’s previous weight: 111.5kg
Sam’s current weight: 108.8kg
Sam’s loss: 2.7kg
Sam’s percentage: 2.42%
Exactly the same as Cosi again.
Sam says it sucks getting that result because even though it’s a good result, by going above the Line someone else has to go below it.
Ajay asks him if he still needs to be there and Sam wiggles his belly and says, “This says yes!” He says his mentality is a bit mixed up at the moment and still 20kg away from his goal weight.
Kirsten says she thinks Sam still sees himself as a fat person. And with that weighing on his mind, it’s making things tough for him.
He’s second in behind Cosi now.
Unless both Alison and Bryce put on weight this week, Kirsten will be facing elimination.
Alison needs at least 2.1kg to remain above the Yellow Line. Could be a hard ask.
Alison says if her or Kirsten went home, the House wouldn’t be the same and it hit her hard when she was up on the scales.
Alison’s previous weight: 89.7kg
Alison’s current weight: 87.9kg
Alison’s loss: 1.8kg
Alison’s percentage:
Not quite enough I’m afraid! Alison says her and Kirsten’s biggest fear was to be below the Yellow Line together.
Ajay asks which would be harder, leaving the House herself or seeing Kirsten leave. Kirsten is asked how hard it will be to be in elimination together.
Bryce also needs 2.1kg or more to stay above the Yellow Line. Please don’t get enough, please don’t get enough, please don’t get enough.
Alison figures there’s no reason he’d get anything less than that.
Bryce’s previous weight: 101.5kg
Bryce’s current weight: 100.1kg
Bryce’s loss: 1.4kg
Bryce’s percentage: 1.36%
Woohooooooooo! Woo-fucking-hoooooooooooo!
Oh, I’m sorry. How horrible. Poor Bryce. Now he’ll be sent home and that’s so sad.
Ajay asks Bryce if he’s ready to go home. Bryce says he goes home pretty fit, a lot different to how he came in, he’s got his life back and he’s not going to complain about it, ever. Leaving at 100.1kg would suck, but it’s better than 139.2kg, where he started.
Kirsten figures Bryce falling below the line is the best thing that could have happened to her. She definitely wants Bryce in that room with her!
And again, Cosi is the Biggest Loser. 4th time out of 9 weigh ins.
So Kirsten and Bryce will be in Elimination. Ajay thinks it won’t be easy. I don’t think she realises Red hate Black and Blue won’t vote Kirsten. Bryce will be going home in a landslide!
And tomorrow night, voting and drama abound!
And also.. a journey into the unknown as they go overseas once again. “But not everyone will return…” You mean they’re going to feed one of them to the sharks? COOL!