Season 3, Episode 10: Week 2 Temptation. And for once it’s not fourteen kinds of chocolate!
Previously, on The Biggest Loser, Red got whooped by Michelle for getting rid of JJ and Debbie and Shannan had a bust up on the beach.
Tonight is Temptation night. Yummy restaurant food versus not getting yelled at by Shannan and Michelle.
It’s a tough decision!
Would you like to know more? (And excuse me if I’m a little flat/nastier than normal, I’ve had a hell of a day! :) )
Blue come home with dozens of cabbages. Sean says they placed their booty on the table so that they could gaze upon it!
Alison giggles at them having had coleslaw last night!
Michelle comes in to see Red opening cans of food. She says too much can go wrong when you don’t have the labels on the tins. Sheridan says everything has salt and crap in it. Michelle doesn’t know how they’re going to do it.
Michelle says it’s right that a lot of tinned food has salt in it and they want to get the salt out of their diet. One thing they can do is to rinse the vegetables when they’re taken out of the tins.
Nicola says that they need to get the salt out of their diet to make sure they don’t retain any water for the weigh in. This is pretty crucial for Red, since they can’t afford to return to the elimination room so soon!
Shannan says the good news about having cabbage is they’re not gambling. He tells Sean it was a good choice, the right choice.
Shannan also tells them that it shows how much pull being The Biggest Loser has each week. He tells Sean he did well.
Michelle says it’s important they get a biggest loser on their team so they can get control of the game.
They’re going to need to think outside the square because there’ll be challenges on the outside too.
“Let’s train!”
Michelle reckons Red Team needs to come together through good, strong training and discipline with their nutrition.
Michelle asks if everyone has their heart monitors on and everyone but Rachel says yes. Rachel reckons she can’t find hers again.
Michelle is seeing a pattern with Rachel, she hasn’t been doing her food diaries either, she tends to be lazy.
Cosi says Rachel has moments of brilliance, but also moments of laziness.
Michelle thinks Rachel is operating at about 60%, she needs to bump it up to 100% and then to 110% if she’s going to get through the weigh in and prove she’s worthy of being there.
Rachel says it’s been a bit stressful since JJ left, because she was close to going home too.
Michelle thinks Rachel would be under a lot of pressure, since she was essentially saved so they could boot JJ out.
Michelle reminds Rachel of that. Rachel says she’s been training her ass off all week. It’s not like she hasn’t been trying.
Michelle disagrees and says that that is debateable.
Rachel says she’s been there two weeks and she’s trying her hardest and if Michelle says she’s not, she doesn’t agree and would rather go.
Michelle says there’s a lot of excuses. Rachel says it’s only been twice (that she’s forgotten/lost her heart monitor) and she’s on her back over it. And Michelle says YEAH!
Michelle suspects the rest of the team are hoping she’ll pull it together.
Garry thinks Rachel is lucky to be here, but she’s not giving it 100%, so he was happy to see Michelle having words with her.
Michelle gives Rachel a “free shot”, holding a tackle pad for Rachel to charge into. Michelle gets smashed pretty hard, just before impact she says, “Ohhh shesus!” I don’t think that’s a word!
Rachel’s in a position where she needs to earn her spot, Michelle thinks. She needs to prove she’s worthy of staying in the house over JJ.
Meanwhile Sheridan is following Rachel as she runs backwards with a boxing mitt, punching away and missing occasionally to punch Rachel right in the boob!
And now the vans roll up to the house to take the fatties off to Temptation. They have no idea that’s where they’re going, but since it’s Wednesday and all the ads have been saying it…
They’re at Pasadena on Pittwater, apparently.
Everyone is aware of needing the immunity, but particularly the Red Team members. Debbie wonders if maybe it would just one of them facing Temptation (duh, no) or if it would be all of them/
“Welcome to the Golden Fork!” – Ajay, the forkalicious one. She has an unusual outfit on today but it looks alright on her. Sort of purple-y.
Today’s Temptation rewards speed and determination. They will play today’s Temptation as singles.
Cosi says Red is a desperate team, they’re all deadset keen to win!
The rules are simple. Two fatties on either side of the dinner table will compete to see who can grab the golden fork. If you grab the fork you must eat the dish. If you eat the dish, you win the round. Each round lasts one minute. If neither player goes for the fork within the minute, the original player wins the round.
Cosi says he’d eat whatever it took to get immunity. For the team. Not himself, of course. For the team.
Kirsten gets to start and gets to choose her opponent. Blue’s plan was to strike at the girls first, because they figured they’d be the least inclined to Temptation because if they did eat it would be harder for them to get the weight off for the second weigh in.
Her first opponent will be Nicole. Kirsten figures that since Nicole is the sternest on her diet, she wouldn’t break.
The first course is… Oyster Kilpatrick, 75 calories. Not too bad.
Nicole is considering it, since, while she hates seafood, if she wins then that’s one Blue gone.
Ajay has a dingaling bell to signal the start of the round. She rings and then the game is on.
Nicole and Kirsten stare at each other for about 10 seconds, then Nicole says bugger it and grabs the fork. Ajay tells her she almost has immunity, now she just has to eat it.
“It was foul, but I took one for the team!” – Nicole
Nicole chooses Alison as her first opponent. Sean says that Nicole must have taken Kirsten, which means that Red must be more desperate than they’d hoped. But on the other hand, it also means they’re taking on extra calories.
Second course is… goat’s cheese souffle – 330 calories. Ouch.
Nicole figures that Alison won’t go for it because of how many calories it was. Bit of sledging going on across the table. Alison tells her that Michelle will have to beat Nicole a lot. Nicole says that it’s no more than what Shannan would beat Alison!
Alison stays firm and isn’t swayed by the souffle.
Nicole fights on to the next round!
Sheridan tells us that the plan was to get rid of all the Blues so that the remaining Reds could sit out. When that happened, the rest of Red could sit out and still win immunity without having to eat the food.
Debbie’s next opponent for Nicole. Debbie is smiling and staring at Nicole apparently.
Third course… Feta Tart – 240 calories.
“I won’t waste time, just give me the fork. It’s just lunch… and a session with Shannan.”
Debbie says she went for it because it gave Blue the power back and it wasn’t a great amount to be eating. “Mmmmmm, it’s so nice!”
Fourth course… bruschetta – 260 calories
Debbie’s opponent is Rachel. And Rachel hates tomato. So Debbie was quite safe!
Nicola is Debbie’s next opponent. Nicola says she won’t go over her daily limit because Michelle would thrash her.
Fifth course… BABY OCTOPUS SALAD – 210 calories.
Nicola goes straight for the golden fork. Silly girl! Now you have to eat the creepy baby tentacle things!
Nicola says that Red is in the position where they need the immunity.
Debbie thinks her team is proud of her, since she managed to stay in for three rounds.
Sam’s next. He’s feeling a bit of pressure, since they’re running out of people.
Sixth course… Smoked salmon caesar salad – 350 calories.
Poor Sam! He reminds us that he’d had to live through seafood and ended up with gastro. So a seafood dish didn’t look at all appetising.
Nicola says she wasn’t prepared to eat it because it would take her tally too high, and she also knew Sam hates fish. So she thought she was safe.
Blue’s plan for the Temptation was to try and control the power through the game, not have too many Reds win in a row. He thinks the food is disgusting and doesn’t want to eat it and doesn’t think he could down it.
Will he try? Find out after the break!
As per all the ads we saw, yes, of course Sam grabs the fork with a handful of seconds to go. “I hate myself!”
Ajay says, “It’s now time to enjoy your salmon.” Absolutely evil grin on her face.
Nicola says she was really excited to watch him squirm… oh really? And nearly throw up… Ew! She says it was totally worth it to see his face.
Sam challenges Sheridan next. Red’s running out of people so Sheridan is feeling the pressure.
Seventh course… Moroccan chicken – 380 calories.
Delicious, tender moroccan chicken, Ajay says. Doesn’t look that delicious to me.
Then they played Western showdown type music, with lots of squinting and stuff. Funny stuff.
Sheridan says she thought Sam would think she wouldn’t go for it. She says it was a little bit like a cowboy standoff.
Ajay rings the bell and before she’s even done ringing it, Sheridan claws huge gouges in the table grabbing at the fork.
Sam says he wasn’t too upset since Blue still has three contestants left – including their “designated eater”. Heh.
Ajay asks Sheridan why she grabbed so far and Sheridan goes through the litany of reasons why Red are in the poo right now!
Michael’s next up.
Eighth course… Yellow fin tuna, served with some sort of potatoes. 400 calories.
Sheridan tries to psych out Michael by looking at the bell rather than the fork. Michael was also trying to psych Sheridan out by faking a grab for the fork, but Sheridan virtually had the tuna on the fork and in her mouth before Michael’s hand left the table!
As she’s eating she says each mouthful is another hundred stairclimbs. She knows she’s rapidly approaching her daily allowance.
Sean is next and he figures he’s going to have to go for it.
Ninth course… beef rib eye fillet, with tomato and leek.. something. 400 calories
Sheridan is extremely fast yet again and takes the fork once more. As she’s eating it, she’s feeling a little crook. She’d be up to 1100 calories by now. She says she’s going to spew when she eats something on the plate. She’s at the maximum for her day, so no margin for error.
John is next. Sheridan figures she’d lose, John’s fast and she really doesn’t want to eat anymore!
Tenth course… tempura fish and chips and wasabi aoli. 600 calories.
Sheridan’s flailing a lot. John’s quite comfortable eating that much, he’ll work that 600 calories off easily. His plan was to take the Temptation, go home and go to bed and not have to worry about eating!
Sheridan’s having massive second thoughts. Cosi and Garry still to go, but she only has to get through one more Blue and the Red team would have the immunity.
And after the ad break. Sheridan loses her freaking mind and grabs the fork!
“Noooooooooooooooooo!” She’s very happy, since the Red’s have immunity. But now she’d have to eat it all. “Mmm-mmmm, 600 calories more than I should have had today. Just what I wanted!”
John’s gutted that he didn’t get the fork.
Sheridan says the idea for getting through the Blues as quickly as possible was so that it was Red on Red. So neither would have to consume the calories.
Cosi faces off against Sheridan next and doesn’t partake of the veal shank with gravy, 280 calories!
Last meal is orange pudding with spun sugar, 400 calories.
Garry says it felt good that they have the power and they’d get to determine what happens with The Walk.
With a total of 1,780 calories, this weeks winner is Sheridan. Everyone is stunned at how much she ate.
“Ohhh my god, I cannot believe she just did that!” – Nicole
John says it’s about a day and a half full of food for her. Considering her food at the moment consists of canned goods, maybe it was actually a smart move?
Sheridan knows Michelle will be pissed, but she was hoping Michelle would understand.
Sean says the reduced calorie intake the Blues consumed will make a difference. What counts is standing on the scales and weighing in.
Sheridan must now take The Walk. Cosi is a little worried about trusting Sheridan with The Walk, but you never know what will be under the stones.
Ajay reminds them that last time saw the demise of Monica. This week? Wait and see!
Alison says The Walk sends fear down her spine because it’s always something that changes the course of the game!
Coming up tomorrow… “Sheridan is made to pay!” – Mr Narrator Man
Michelle also says, “Seven hours to go!”
And The Walk has three stones. And it will leave the Reds “in total control.” “This is the worst possible outcome.” – Shannan