Season 3, Episode 7: First Competitive Weigh In – Prepare to be surprised!
Previously on The Biggest Loser… pigs in mud! Oh yeah, they went back to that well.
Other things happened as well, go read about them if you like.
Things happening tonight too – weigh ins for the White House people, weigh ins for the Black Team at the Ranch with Jillian and Bob.
And finally the Red and Blue teams will be selected! Longest. Wait. EVER.
Would you like to know more?
But wait, there’s more replayed footage. Hurrah!
Cosi gets to choose first. No prizes for guessing he picked JJ first.
Cosi would “love to have JJ by my campfire.” Oh really?
JJ wins a little love back by repeating one of the coolest facts in the universe – red things go faster!!! Ferrari picked red for a reason, people!
Shannan says he hopes Sam is smart enough to realise that he needs to pick someone who can match JJ physically. Sam’s first selection is his “big brother” Michael. It was essentially a choice between him and maybe Garry, so I think Sam’s done well there.
Michael’s happy, thinks his demons are on the back foot.
Shannan thinks it’s a pretty good match up so far.
Cosi says when he moved into the White House he was shocked to be shacked up with a bloke who is 206kg. A bloke like that with a heart like that is someone he definitely wants on his team.
Garry’s quite relieved, he has an alliance with Cosi and JJ apparently.
Sam picks Kirsten next as he says she’s always giving 110% and is very motivated.
Cosi is a little disappointed because he wanted Kirsten too, due to her fitness and having the weight to lose.
Cosi chooses Nicole next.
Sam picks a “shock” choice next. Someone whom he thinks is the most mentally focused person and even though he can’t take part in all the challenges, he’ll be able to keep the rest of them motivated.
Sam picks John. Pretty shocking indeed, Sam!
Cosi chooses Nicola next. Apparently because JJ will be “very excited”. Please don’t fall for him Nicola, you’re mine! Mine I say!
Sheridan is getting worried she’d be picked last. It freaks her out, even though she’s an adult now.
Honestly, someone has to be picked last. That’s just the way it is!
Sam chooses Debbie next. Debbie’s quite stoked!
Sean is very impressed with Sam’s choices, because he’s choosing people for their size, weight and determination, whereas Cosi is picking people for their friendships.
Cosi chooses Sheridan next.
Sean’s a little bummed about still not being picked but he can understand why – if it was him he wouldn’t be picking the guy sitting down with ice on his leg either!
Sam says the thing that makes him choose the next person is what they said before the challenge. They said they’re not going to win it but they’re going to try their hardest.
Sam chooses Alison.
Cosi picks Rachel. Which just leaves Sean.
Shannan says the only reason he’s sitting there is because he’s got a bung foot and it’ll be a danger in physical challenges.
Sam says to him that Shannan’s been breaking him in training, but he’s been pumped up and will lose massive numbers, so Sam is very happy to have him. And Sean’s happy to be there!
Cosi’s talking up the Red Team’s chances, saying they’re a very strong team and they’ll be very hard to beat in challenges. They’re the younger team and they’re not planning on losing any challenges.
Shannan says to look at how they appear on paper. One of them has a bung foot, one has a bad heart, but there’s a will and a desire that inspires him.
Sam says he knows that on paper they’re the weaker side but that nevertheless they will do well. “I think we’re going to overcome that, just by, I know it sounds silly but unity!”
Michelle is thrilled by her team. There are no victims on the red team, she says.
The one thing she expects is to give it their all. The red team is an institution. They’re tough, they’re strong and they never say die.
Shannan says what they’re going to do is going to save John’s life, going to save Sean’s life and add years to the rest of them.
“Blue for life.” – Shannan
John says what he’s doing is fair dinkum, he’s not joking around, either he does this or he’ll die and he doesn’t want to die!
There’s a weigh in coming up and all their necks are on the chopping block. Get back to the house and do some training!
“GO THE RED!” – Garry thinks Blue is going to struggle.
Black Team weighs in first. Bob says they’ve been working hard and it’s time to see the pay off.
Jillian says it’s Week Two for the team and it’s going to be motivation for them to see the fruits of their labour.
Black and white montage of the fatties getting spanked in training.
Carrianne is first and she’s very nervous, can’t see any difference.
Carrianne has lost 5.1kg
She’s stoked, as well she should be. She’s already edging towards 100kg!
She says it’d be awesome if she got back to the White House and has lost more than her twin sister Nicole. I’m not sure Nicole would agree with that, but that’s what sisters are for, isn’t it? Making you feel bad?
Bryce is next.
Bryce has lost 8.9kg
He’s shocked and goes over and picks Bob up in a fireman’s lift. Bob’s laughing like a twit. “The dude was happy!”
Bryce isn’t sure how it happened, but he’s really happy.
Michelle’s up next. She’s pretty nervous too.
Michelle has lost 4.6kg
She’s very pleased. And gets a smack on the bum from Bryce. Hmmm?
Steven gets his turn last. “It’s been a mental week for you, right? Mentally tough?” Steven agrees and says it’s as much a mental battle as physical. He feels like he wants to leave and be with his baby.
Carrianne was worried Steven was going to quit at one point during the week.
Steven has lost 8.3kg
“Holy moley!” He’s very pleased. Bob thinks it will make him stronger, it’s what he needs. But Bob can’t want it for him, he’s got to want it.
Bob sits down with Steven and says it’s time to follow through. It’s a good opportunity and he hopes Steven won’t throw the towel in. Steven says he’s come close, but he’s getting stronger.
Bob says it’s a once in a lifetime opportunity. Anyone in the White House or anyone at the Ranch. It’s the chance of a lifetime.
Back at the White House and Michelle is putting her Red Team through Last Chance training. Michelle says it’s the most gut wrenching training you will ever do.
It’s all about burning as many calories and rip into it as hard as you can before you get on the scales.
Sweat is absolutely pouring off them. They’re training out in a courtyard on the exercise bikes. And hey, look at that, they all have red Biggest Loser hats on. I guess they don’t want them to get cancer after all!
Sheridan says the Red Team is extremely strong overall. She hopes nobody needs to go home from the team.
Lots and lots of cycling.
Michelle challenges Cosi, he has to get his heart rate to 140 or she was going to smash JJ to pieces. Get to 140 or he gets broken!
Sheridan says Michelle better not use that as a motivator for her, or she’ll just slow down.
Now they’re doing “climbing jacks”. You put your hands down on the mat and then alternate feet while your bum is up in the air. JJ explained it for us. Without the bum bit, I added that.
JJ says he found that pretty hard. He’s got his shirt off while doing it and let me tell you, it’s not a pretty sight.
“We start again because JJ stopped!” Nicole’s pretty annoyed at JJ. JJ says Nicole has threatened him with a bashing if he falls over again. “I don’t want those chubby fists coming at me!” – JJ
They’re doing situps with weights now. Michelle tells the guys the girls have stronger abs. “They’ve got lighter weights!” – Garry. Complaining again.
“When the going gets tough, I want to know who buckles. I want to know who folds!” – Michelle
Rachel says she doesn’t know if the guys noticed how focused the girls were. But she’s sure they will notice. Particularly when they realise the girls outnumber them.
Better win that weigh in, Red!
Blue Team has their Last Chance, now.
They’re inside on the treadmills and cycles.
Sam thinks they’re going in as the underdogs, but they’re going to be underestimated and they’re going to drop some jaws.
John’s actually doing Last Chance in the gym with them, just walking on the treadmill.
Shannan throws down a challenge to Sean to prove he’s not the weak link. Foot or no foot, he’ll lose massive numbers. And the way to lose massive numbers is by putting in the effort.
Alison says he is injured and that does affect what he can do, but the things he can do he gives 110%
Sean is an absolute machine on the exercise bike. Shannan says he’s guts and determination personified. Sean proved that he’s no weak link.
Debbie wasn’t expecting how much of a step up in intensity Last Chance was.
She’s on that stepmaster cross training thingy. Debbie stops, complaining about her knee. Shannan says in an aside that he’s never seen anybody hurt their knee on a cross trainer. It’s not a knee injury, she was just panicking.
Shannan gets her going again but she’s bitching and moaning after not long at all, breaking down into tears. Sean’s yelling out from the other side of the gym that she can do it, he’s been in that pain before and he’s giving her a bunch of encouragement to push through it.
She keeps saying she can’t, she can’t while Shannan keeps yelling that she can, she can!
They finally stop and Shannan says in a side bit that Debbie was crying but it wasn’t tears of pain, it was tears of frustration. She’d done the same thing she’d been doing her whole life – when it comes to the crunch she makes an excuse and just quits.
“I feel like I’m letting everybody down.” “You are.” “I know.” “Don’t do it. The choice is in your hands. You are letting everyone down, you’re letting me down, you’re letting yourself down.”
Now they’re all sitting on their fat bums punching the air above their heads. Debbie continues giving up every 5 seconds. “Start again everyone! Twenty bloody seconds more, Deb! Go!”
“I can’t, my shoulders killing me!”
Shannan’s worried how she’ll go in the weigh in. He keeps trying to cajole her and points to the rest of the team who have kept going the entire time.
She says what kept her going wasn’t Shannan being the trainer, it was everyone else’s encouragement.
“We’ve got heart, we’ve got guts and at the end of the day that’s what it takes to lose weight!” – Shannan
Weigh in time!
Everyone has worked hard, everyone is nervous, everyone wants to stay in the house and be there for another week. Kirsten doesn’t want to let the team down.
Ajay’s dress is alright. The white trim makes it look a little frumpy, but it’s not the worst she’s ever worn.
First team to weigh in will be Red.
First fatty off the rank, Nicole!
Nicole doesn’t want to let the team down because she doesn’t want to go home.
Nicole’s starting weight: 136.3kg
Nicole’s current weight: 131.1kg
Loss: 5.2kg
Nicola’s very proud of her. She’s tried very hard and deserves it.
Ajay asks Nicole how she thinks Carrianne would feel about her progress. Nicole hopes Carrianne is looking after herself. This is said while footage of Bob kicking Carrianne’s butt in training, which Nicole has no idea is where Carrianne really is!
Next up will be Nicola! She’s nervous and covers her face, she’s too scared to look at the numbers.
Nicola’s starting weight: 112.6kg
Nicola’s current weight: 108.6kg
Loss: 4kg
“Yayyyy!” She says she’s worked hard but she needs to work harder to keep up with Nicole. Considering she’s more than 20kg lighter, that’s pretty darn good!
Nicole says it’s a good result and Rachel also says as much, and she says Nicola will only get stronger as the weeks go on.
JJ’s up next. Michael says he’s a strong contender because he’s the fittest and Shannan’s told them the fitter you are, the more effectively you burn fat.
JJ’s pretty upbeat walking up to the scales. I guess because he can’t see the horrifying manboob action for himself.
JJ’s starting weight: 131.6kg
JJ’s current weight: 127.9kg
Loss: 3.7kg
Woeful. Most of the guys, including JJ, laugh. Garry doesn’t find it particularly funny, though. Surprise that is.
JJ’s a bit disappointed. But he’ll have another go next week if they’re still in it.
Cosi’s pretty unimpressed. He says he had a smirk and then delivered a pathetic loss. Total facepalm moment.
Sheridan says he thinks he’s the bees knees and he’s going to be better than everyone. And him pulling less than Nicola? That was funny!
JJ tells the rest of them that they need to lose a bit more than 3.7kg.
Nicole says they’re there to lose weight, not to joke or make friends or whatever. And clearly that’s not JJ’s focus.
I read in his Q&A I think that he’d been doing some training prior to the show. Perhaps that’s what did him in?
John says he’s a lovely bloke, but that’s going to knock him down a peg.
Next up is Rachel. Facing “The Scales of Justice”, according to Ajay.
Rachel’s dreading it.
Rachel’s starting weight: 134.7kg
Rachel’s current weight: 131.7kg
Loss: 3kg
She’s hoping for better numbers next week. Ajay asks her if she thinks they’ve done enough to win the weigh in. And she says probably not. And laughs, as do most of the Red Team.
“Like, we’ve um, you know. Just no.”
Nicole’s pretty angry with Rachel. She says you don’t go up there and kick the team while they’re down.
Garry’s up next. Ajay asks him if he’s feeling the weight of expectation. Harhar.
Garry’s starting weight: 206.2kg
Garry’s current weight: 197.5kg
Loss: 8.7kg
Not bad for the first week. Sheridan says they expect a lot from him because he’s the biggest guy but they need to be careful not to put too much pressure on him.
Garry’s quite happy about no longer having a 2 in front of his weight.
Sam’s a little nervous. He thinks they might have just got them.
Sheridan’s next. She has a pretty red bow in her hair. I guess they don’t allow flowers in the weigh in room?
She can’t look either.
Sheridan’s starting weight: 120.1kg
Sheridan’s current weight: 115.4kg
Loss: 4.7kg
Ajay asks her how she feels. Sheridan says better than if it was 3.7kg. Heh.
JJ says she threw a cheap one in, which he thinks sums it up. He was happy for her losing the weight but she still had to throw that in.
Sheridan says she’s never been the gorgeous girl in the group so she wants to get that way. She knows it’s the best place for her, she’ll do really well, she’ll do just as well as the boys and maybe she’ll kick their ass.
Cosi’s not overly thrilled, they’re a team!
Cosi weighs in last. He says he was a bit worried after his first draft pick didn’t do so well.
He says he went up to the scales and was “sweating like a bastard.”
Cosi’s starting weight: 140.8kg
Cosi’s current weight: 131.3kg
Loss: 9.5kg
Best in the team. He’s really happy because the missus and his kid would be very proud of him.
Ajay asks him if he’s proud. Cosi says he’s disappointed that he got to a stage where he’s accepted onto The Biggest Loser, so proud isn’t a word he’d use. But he’s happy with the results after the first week, as are his team.
Red Team Total: 38.8kg
Percentage: 3.95%
Will it be enough? I kind of doubt it.
To beat the Reds, Blue will need at least 41.1kg. Ouch.
First up is Debbie.
She says she’s struggled, but she doesn’t want it to be under 4.
Debbie’s starting weight: 135.2kg
Debbie’s current weight: 129.5kg
Loss: 5.7kg
“I rock! Woohoo!” She points to the Red Team and says she’s coming from them. Scary.
Nicole says the smiles on Red disappeared and they started to tense up.
Debbie has worked so hard that she felt near death. She says Shannan’s a hard trainer, but fair. He just has more faith in her than she herself does.
Michael thinks her result was awesome after how tough she’d done it.
And Michael is up next.
Michael’s starting weight: 175kg
Michael’s current weight: 167.1kg
Loss: 7.9kg
Lots of cheering from the Blues. Michael is fairly reserved. Ajay says he should be very happy! But Michael says there’s a lot of hurdles, this is just the first one. He’s not going to be patting himself on the back just yet.
John says Michael is a really nice guy but he struggles with low self esteem and questions his own ability, but pulling such a good weight will really help him.
Ajay reminds him that he was almost eliminated. And he says he dodged a bullet which hit Monica. But he feels really lucky.
Kirsten, who eliminated Monica, was really happy that they’d ended up on the same team after seeing his weightloss!
They need a further 27.5kg to win the weigh in.
Kirsten is next. She has immunity from the Temptation so she can’t be eliminated regardless, but she still needs a good number to ensure the safety of her team.
Kirsten’s starting weight: 126.8kg
Kirsten’s current weight: 120.8kg
Loss: 6kg
Wow, that’s very impressive for a woman on the first week.
She’s very happy, even though she won immunity, she didn’t want her team to face elimination.
Rachel’s a bit upset because they’re around the same weight but Rachel only managed half the loss Kirsten did.
Four left, they need 21.5kg
One of those four is John though, which could make things tricky.
Alison is the last female. She says her knees are shaky.
Alison’s starting weight: 121.7kg
Alison’s current weight: 114.9kg
Loss: 6.8kg
The biggest loss of all the girls. Lots of cheers and woohoos from the Blue team and the girls on Red are all smiles.
Alison says her family would be very proud of her. She’s missing them but she’s never had a chance to have time for herself, so she’s cherishing every second.
John says it’s great to see her out there achieving her goals.
With three left they need another 14.7kg.
Even with John being one of them that seems achievable!
John is next. “I’ve walked 500 miles and I’ll walk 500 more.” Onya John!
John’s starting weight: 150.3kg
John’s current weight: 139.7kg
Loss: 10.6kg
The look on Sam’s face was priceless. Nicola says she was on the brink of tears, she was so happy for him. John is absolutely ecstatic. He says it hit home to a lot of people that it is possible to lose weight just by focusing on diet.
“All you people out there sitting on your backsides and particularly those that have got heart troubles – you don’t have to get up and run, you don’t have to get up and go to gym, just get out there and walk. I just put another ten years on my life.”
Garry is shocked to bits, he doesn’t know what to think.
Two left. They need to have lost 4.1kg. They are going to romp it in. Sean will probably bring it home all by himself.
Alison’s a little concerned because he can’t do so much exercise.
Sean’s starting weight: 174.6kg
Sean’s current weight: 162kg
Loss: 12.6kg
Absolutely murdered them. “Yeah! Blue for life! YEAHHHHHHHHHHH!”
Kirsten says his weight loss was a big wake up call to the people who thought he was the weakest link.
Sean reminds Ajay that he was the last to be picked and he was sitting there in a chair with his foot all iced up and he looked a real sorry sight. But he knew he could bring it home today and everyone got a look at the numbers on the board and they’d think yeahhh!
Cosi looks absolutely gutted.
They’re already at 49.6kg. Unless Sam has put on quite a lot of weight, they’re home and hosed.
Sam feels a lot of pressure because he chose the team.
Sam’s starting weight: 154.6kg
Sam’s current weight: 143.7kg
Loss: 10.9kg
Good on ya Sam! Everyone on his team is stoked.
Ajay says he got to pick the teams, how does he feel about his decision now? “I think I did alright. They’re a good bunch.”
John has an aside to say he was very proud of Sam. “It’s not about personality, it’s about people that want to be a part of a team.”
Cosi says he feels partly responsibility because he’d chosen a team to win challenges, not understanding how important the weigh ins were. Uhhh?
Blue Team Total: 60.5kg
Percentage: 5.83%
Red Team will be facing elimination tomorrow.
John says their team won because their team is very close and they’re all on the same page, the same wavelength.
Sean, the guy with a bung foot, the oldest guy there, is the biggest loser for the week. His weightloss was 7.22% of his body weight.
Cosi says everyone was in a pretty bad mood.
Debbie doesn’t seem at all upset about the way Blue smashed Red!
Garry says the elimination will hit their team hard.
And tomorrow night, plotting and scheming prior to the elimination. The three boys are going to stick together. And Nicole says a girl has never won this and she’s going to make damn sure one of them do.
And “foul play shatters friendships”. And Nicola says she had no other choice but to change her mind. About something. Or possibly nothing at all, you never know!
Who do you think will be eliminated?
Who do you think will be eliminated?