Archive for April, 2007

Recap #60 – Friday 13th April – Eliminated Contestants Super Challenge!

Time for the super duper challenge of pastel coloured DOOM!

Who’ll win the right to change to a whiteshirt tonight? Read on to find out…

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Recap #59 – Thursday 12th April – The Commando Is Back… for the last time!

Guess who’s back? Back again? Commando’s back! Tell a friend?

I forget how the song goes but if you want to find out how tonight’s episode went, read on…

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Recap #58 – Wednesday 11th April – The Pastel Temptation

Shannan and Michelle arrive at the house and find out Mel has gone home. Shannan is very impressed with the way Mel left. Her medical condition meant she knew she’d do better at home anyway, so she stepped aside to let someone else go through.

The pastels and blackshirts then recap the events of the challenge for the trainers. They get to the end but don’t see a whiteshirt. Gerard’s hiding it under his pastel yellow shirt.
Shannan wonders where old-Gerard’s gone, new-Gerard says Shannan beat the old quitter out of him.

Does anyone else win the whiteshirt tonight? Read on to find out!

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Recap #57 – Tuesday 10th April – The Second Coming of the Fatties

The remaining contestants awaken to a “present” on the kitchen table that contains a DVD labeled simply “Play Me”.
It’s a video of 10 weeks ago when they entered the house… Well, when two of them arrived, since the other two weren’t there with the other 14, grrr!

If you’ve been reading the recaps you have some idea of what will happen tonight, but what about the details, hmmm? Read on!

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Recap #56 – Monday 9th April – Week 9 Elimination.

First up tonight we get reminded of the happy happy moment when Munnalita went below the yellow line. Hooray!

But tonight it is time to vote. Who’ll vote for whom? Which friend will Pati be forced to vote against? Read on to find out!

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