Archive for February, 2007

Recap #1 – Sunday 4th Feb. – Initial Weigh-in

First show of the season is invariably the initial weigh-in and sorting of people into teams and so on. Who will be part of Bob’s Blues? Who will be in Jillian’s Reds? How many people will cry during the weigh-in, how many times will they cry and how many long close-ups will we have to endure?

And have they finally dropped the terribly inappropriate music they play while contestants step up to the plate? You know the one, heavy bass beat while the camera focuses a little too much on their feet?

Tune in at 7.30pm and find out!

The rest of the first episode recap will be hidden from plain sight to protect people from spoilers, if they wish. Click the “continue reading” link below to see the rest of this post…

(Recap is now complete!)

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The Biggest Loser Under Fire

The Biggest Loser has come under fire from the usual ill-informed media pundits arguing that the contestants are “too large” and the training “too intense” for them to handle.

Quite how people who are barely competent at their own profession – journalism – can consider themselves to be experts in a wholly seperate field is a mystery.

For more on what sparked this latest media blitz you’ll have to read the rest of this article – it does contain a fairly big spoiler for the show, so you have been warned!

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Bob & Jillian on Kyle & Jackie O

I know, we all despise the Vile and Jackie Ho show, but The Biggest Loser trainers Bob & Jillian were recently on their show to talk about the upcoming season and dieting in general.

You can listen to parts one and two via the 2Day FM website.

Both Bob & Jillian were obviously equal parts horrified and disgusted at some of the things said, but they have some good tips for those people looking to drop a little weight. And they do talk about one of the guy’s who will be on the show and how large he is, so it’s worth suffering through the other two as a warmup to the real thing tomorrow night!

Pre-Show Predictions and Introductions

Welcome to The Biggest Loser Recap blog.

Last year I originally didn’t start watching the show from the beginning as I had passed it off as “just another reality show”, however after catching a couple of episodes for one reason or another, I came to the conclusion that there’s actually a bit more to it than that – the show has an important message. We, as a society, are getting too fat! (I’m sure sitting around watching TBL is a great way to lose weight, too. ;-) )

Aside from that, the show is a lot of fun to watch. Bob & Jillian are a fun combination and the trials and tribulations the various “Fatties” go through kept me and a lot of other folks glued to the television.

Towards the end of the season I found myself providing a sort of “running commentary” on the show during the ad breaks on my LiveJournal. This was a great way to chat with friends from around the country about the show, and it turned out it was useful for some folks who missed shows, or to jog memories of what happened in previous episodes, or for people in other time zones to get spoilers, if they so choose!

This season I’ve decided to create a dedicated blog just for those purposes. :-)

Basically, the idea will be that during each episode I will make a post as the show is about to start which people will then be able to follow along with during the show (and make their own comments if they wish!), or read after the show and discuss what happened in a fun way. Censorship will be kept to a minimum, so if you think someone is acting like a right twat you can vent about it here – if I haven’t beaten you to it! (Please keep it civil with other commenters, though.)

I will also be engaging in my usual scarily accurate predictions for the show. They’re like psychic spoilers, if, you know, psychics were real. :-)

Now, to get down to the meat of things. For those who have not been to The Official Biggest Loser Website so far the list of contestants is now up, as are the trainer and host names. You can see all the relevant details on this site as well:

Two new trainers this year, alongside Bob and Jillian. Not too sure how that is going to work just yet, but I suspect either Bob and Jillian will each be receiving an assistant, or, possibly, there’ll be four teams… Seems a stretch to have four teams though so the assistants is more likely.

At this point I’m unsure which name is the most likely to annoy me during the series – Munnalita or Shannan. I’m sure Munnalita is a “normal” name wherever she may be from… but Shannan? Two A’s? Really? Sigh.

An interesting thing to note is that Courtney has been “outed” from the get-go as being homosexual, whereas Artie was not really revealed as one at the start of the first season, despite some fairly large hints. Times they are a changing? Or was Artie just a bit reluctant to say anything?

If Jillian doesn’t try to get both Greg and Damien to shave off their respective beards, I’ll eat my hat!

Expect a big deal to be made about Pati’s Torres Strait Islander heritage, either in promos, by contestants, hosts or trainers or in the trash rags. It should be an irrelevant factoid, like Courtney being gay, but I have a suspicion it will become a Big Issue for one reason or another. Maybe Anthony Mundine will do a bad rap song about it?

And I wonder if the trip to the freaky Chinese food restaurant will be out this year, since Alex runs his own Mongolian restaurant? Not necessarily because the strange foods wouldn’t freak him out, the producers just might consider it “insensitive” this year? That would be a shame as it was one of the highlights of the season for a heck of a lot of people. “Pork bun! Pork bun!”

So, do any of my faithful (and wholly non-existent at this point) readers have any early comments about the impending season?

Don’t forget, it starts 7.30pm on Sunday night! It’s scheduled to run until 9pm but expect it to run overtime like every reality show, ever. :-)