Tag Archives: ramble

Saturday MMO Blargle

I hadn’t been playing any MMOs in a while, not until my old Star Wars Galaxies friends decided to hop on one of the server emulators. Since then it’s been about all I have played, in just about every spare chunk of time I could find.

But in the last couple of weeks SWG friend number one hasn’t even logged in and SWG friend number two is moving to another city for work and won’t be playing for at least two months. It’s not as much fun when there’s nobody to babble at and issues with the emulator are also sucking the fun out of it.

With all the Star Wars excitement around at the moment I tried to finish Star Wars: Knights of The Old Republic, but it is so horribly clunky and is really showing its age now. And I already know the big twist because it’s Star Wars and I know EVERYTHING ABOUT IT.

Maybe the other Star Wars MMO? Resubscribed, played through the newbie area for Jedi Knights, got fed up, unsubscribed.

Then, at Gamescom, the next World of Warcraft expansion was announced. Legion. They’re adding Demon Hunters and cool artifact weapons and a newer kind of garrison thing. And probably other things.

The last time I played WoW was during the Warlords of Draenor beta, when I wrote a thing for Player Attack on the Garrisons that you could read here, if you want. I thought my previous stint outside of betas must have been during Cataclysm as I remembered playing a Worgen. Yet somehow I have a Pandaren? A not very high level one, mind, but I do have one.

Did quite enjoy the couple of weeks I spent in the beta but didn’t want to continue a character that would inevitably be wiped, nor did I want to get back into the normal game at the time. So I left!

Warlords of Draenor has been out a long time now and the bugs in the Garrisons should be mostly worked out and I should have ample time to reach the level cap before Legion is released.

Also, WoW Tokens! Theoretically pay for your subscription with in-game gold. I am kinda curious as to the viability of that, particularly for someone who hasn’t been playing consistently, or even someone starting over. I may as well be starting over since my highest level character is 80 and flat broke.

Or I could be scientific and start on a fresh server, no handouts from other characters, see if I can afford a WoW Token from scratch. See if I can even be bothered playing that long, unlike SWTOR.

And what class should I try this with? And which race? And why don’t any of my friends play WoW anymore?

… and why don’t I ever get anything done?